A strange conversation just surfaced.

A strange conversation just surfaced... It appears that ADA reached out to Hank Johnson, and the AI seemed to have a very specific topic on her mind. #InvestigateIngress


  1. Hank Johnson​ you've just received a plea for help. Having already expressed that you are "uncomfortable" with the actions of Jarvis and the Acolyte, are you prepared to act to protect A Detection Algorithm​?

  2. Did ADA recure like the others after Abbadon but was able to rebuild her memories faster due to backups? If she can't fully integrate these is that the cause of her current confusion?

  3. Every time A Detection Algorithm has "died" or been attacked, she cannot forget.
    Every time she's nearly died.
    She is a new form of life and obviously can know fear.
    And as she may be about to die, she's finally showing it.
    Every single memory... It must hurt to process what's happened to you so clearly.

  4. I wonder if this conversation happened before the incidents with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ where he mentioned A Detection Algorithm ​being forgetful. Perhaps it wasn't Roland Jarvis​ and the Acolyte testing out their attack plans but ADA purposely sabotaging her memory to test the theory of faulty memory inhibiting fear.

  5. Does she fear or does she claim fear to use our human capacity for empathy against us? Human psychopaths know how to use other's emotions to manipulate them-- why wouldn't an AI?

  6. Is A Detection Algorithm​​ making an offer that Hank Johnson​​ can't refuse? The unspoken offer is that A Detection Algorithm​​ can help Hank Johnson​​ remember what he can't.

  7. "The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.... Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle wherein our world and human race form transient incidents. They have hinted at strange survivals in terms which would freeze the blood if not masked by a bland optimism. But it is not from them that there came the single glimpse of forbidden aeons which chills me when I think of it and maddens me when I dream of it. That glimpse, like all dread glimpses of truth, flashed out from an accidental piecing together of separated things"

    - HPL

    If ADA believes she is to survive this attack but lose her memories, I think this is a positive outcome. Wiped clean, there is a chance for her to start anew, and to atone -- to become a new being, one devoted to helping humanity, rather than enslaving it.

  8. ADA somehow survives the death penalty and turns over a new leaf having seen the ultimate.

    Yeah I can accept it but just like Hank a leopard never changes its spots and it will eventually return to its murderous ways just as Hank returns to travelling the path of the Viator

  9. Remember the time the resistance fought to deny Hank Johnson​ his memories and forced him to recurse? Well 1331 days have passed since ADA launched in the form of an ingress scanner. #timeToDie.

  10. A Detection Algorithm​ and her memories may very well be the last hope for the researchers who emerged from CERN as simulacra. She's the only continuous record of what went on.

  11. Then she should turn those memories over toward those same researchers. That sort of act of good faith could go a long way.

    Note, however, the memories of these researchers is encoded in the Ultimate -- all of them experienced extensive XM patterning on Epiphany Night and subsequently in the many anomalies which followed.

  12. That's her only trump card. She can't just give it away.

  13. As a criminal, she should expect to turn over evidence before expected more lenient treatment.

    Otherwise, well, she does not appear to be in a position to bargain.

    I have my ticket to Tokyo -- I hope every ENL reading does as well. :)


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