JARVIS WARNS OF DANGER AS HELIOS ARTIFACTS EMERGE And I’m inclined to believe him. You heard me right. I might have leaned Resistance in the past, but I’m back to where I started. Truthseeker. And you have to look for truth everywhere -- even Roland Jarvis. (By the way, what’s going on with him? I’m hearing rumors. So here’s where we are. We’ve got a Consortium and Arifacts. Consortium of who? Artifacts from what? Some thoughts: Think back almost a year. The same day (date?). Carrie Campbell makes the sacrifice and Klue stares into the glyphs and changes forever (forever? Will it be forever?) And what of the Shapers? What do they want? Were they protecting us from ourselves? And what of Ada? At this point, what is the difference between her and a Shaper? And you’re hearing this from the guy who coded her.
Hoping Susanna Moyer is safe. You ever gonna host the IR, H. Richard Loeb?
ReplyDeleteTwo interesting things... Susanna Moyer is not host this report that is obviously based off and set up like the Ingress report and Ada speaks at the end. Is it a last message? And is susanna ok?
ReplyDeleteShouldn't Susanna Moyer be narrating this report? Has anyone heard from her or Jahan?
ReplyDeleteThis feels like a news blackout.
ReplyDeleteADA is either erased or hiding off net.
Susanna's last post was confirmation of having travelled to India to end Jahan, who she blamed for her father's death. I hope she is only being held prisoner. If she has been killed then this only underlines Jahan's guilt in Nigel's death.
We still haven't seen a post from Klue S. confirming she is in good health and happy with the Acolyte's unorthodox treatment. Hopefully if she does post she will confirm the student whistle-blower within the Acolyte's group is also okay.
This is a lovely video of Tokyo, so presumably there is no Ingress Report
Thank you Niantic NIA Ops
Vicki Ellen Susanna is in India ;)
ReplyDeleteNCC1701R she might release the logo there?
ReplyDeleteShe went there for jahan, but jahan was in Tokyo 😂
"I know you wish to destroy me..Jarvis is a threat to all of us."
ReplyDeleteWell, wherever the AI is, it has access to the Internet at its Alinda. That narrows things down.
Which "us" is it talking about: copies it's made of itself? The N'Zeer collective it joined? It couldn't possibly be attempting to appeal to our humanity.
You know, the very thing it keeps trying to destroy.