The Acolyte is troubled by Hank's relationship to Jahan.

The Acolyte is troubled by Hank's relationship to Jahan.

It's a fair concern, but Hank's doubts are well placed as well... did the Acolyte really have Klue's best interests in mind?

She used the Enlightened victory to help Jarvis reach into Klue's mind for the fragments left behind by ADA, but can we trust her description of how things really went down?

Why won't the Acolyte let Hank talk to Klue?



  1. She didn't say "I refuse" to let Hank talk to Klue; she said "not currently possible". I suspect that Klue's current state ("bliss"????) is not amenable to having a normal conversation.

  2. Derek Longbow Is that a pun?
    Yes, Acolyte is jealous.
    Yes, Klue's brain is liquefied.

    Bliss, indeed. As in "ignorance is ..."?

  3. Well on one side, perhaps it is a process that can not be interrupted (think of putting a souffle in the oven and any bump makes it deflate). On the other, the current state of Klue could alarm Hank and perhaps cause him to do something, so the Acolyte wishes to wait until conditions are different.

  4. I'm deeply worried about Klue S. now, maybe the Acolyte should be the one that need to check her current alignment. Enlightenment should not be forced but teach as she herself has recognized on the past. Roland Jarvis way is the wrong one, attacking a girl that has put your trust on you to help her recover to gain an edge is so wrong, that it would definitely lost him the little followers he could have. They even hidden the fact to the rest of the compound, a fact that speak on itself or the real nature of their intentions.

  5. I personally wonder... Klue had something extracted from her.
    What if something was implanted in its place? Perhaps a glyph sequence was played in order to either make her comply with the requests of Roland Jarvis​ and the Acolyte or possibly even to alter her alignment and make her Enlightened like she was before the merger with A Detection Algorithm​.

    I recall this statement from Scott in the cabin:
    There was some kind of visor or something over her face, like one of those VR things that we saw over at Jeff’s house. But it was like sewn onto her head or something. I don’t think she could take it off. Not that she was trying. She was just slumped over like a vegetable.

    And then I remember that a similar visor like device was used by Henry Bowels during the ADA shutdown, the story can be found here:

  6. Cualquier tipo de intromisión de la mente es peligrosa, nadie asegura quedes al 100% después de haber iniciado cualquier tipo de intromisión, solo espero que + Kuel S. sea lo suficientemente fuerte para soportarlo.

    Por otra parte seria interesante saber que tipo de secuencia de glifos están usando con + Kue S.

  7. I wonder if people would be making light if someone had physical brain surgery. The wonder of XM is that it is multi-dimensional: Brain damage and malicious memetic content left in a brain can be removed without physical trauma.

    That there is some period of psychic rehabilitation after this procedure is probably not a surprise.

  8. Fun fact: Hank Johnson has never actually worked against Roland Jarvis.

    He did refer to him as evil in an interview after Cassandra:NYC, but that was after four hours of exposure to a Resistance megafield.

    Later, when it was revealed that Jarvis was a simulacra like Hank Johnson, it became more clear this statement came out of a place of fear and the subconscious awareness that Hank had of his own fate.


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