Susanna Moyer shares the details of her visit with Nigel Moyer.

Susanna Moyer shares the details of her visit with Nigel Moyer.



  1. One would think that breaking encryption would be child's play for the one whose mother was Echelon and father was Carnivore, A Detection Algorithm​.

  2. I've heard thru channels she's been making plans. Also, I understand that he is happy, he must be happy.

  3. With the power jarvis now has, to invade the minds of people with the promise of "help". I'd be surprised if klue isn't left in some sort catatonic state after his prying for bits of ada.
    If he finds what he needs I could see Susanna Moyer​ being his next target if the key is something they need. If you possess any potentially valuable information you could be the next mind meld target for the crispy leader.
    I don't believe Nigel was a captive by anyone other than himself. He was probably doing it to protect himself and possibly others from some sort of exposure. This will be interesting how it plays out.

  4. On behalf of everyone within the Niantic Investigation, I'd like to extend my deepest congratulations on the safety of your father, Susanna. I-like many other Investigators-had feared the worst when we had heard the potential rumors of your father's demise. We had been faded saddened by the possibility of losing yet another brilliant and historic individual.

    Now, I do find myself questioning how your father ended up in this situation. Assuming that his condition hasn't changed since he was visited by Hank Johnson​ during Persepolis(, he should have been guarded by ADA..

    "Nigel was living in a century-old mansion with a full staff. I wondered where he got the money for this until +A Detection Algorithm's voice greeted me at the gate."

    Knowing that she is now rogue operating with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, is she the one who arranged for your father to be kidnapped, the same way she arranged for Oliver to escape the Acolyte's Compound?

    I believe it's possible she could have done it, considering that she's already got Lynton-Wolfe, the most brilliant XM researcher ever, at her disposal. So she has someone smart enough to harness the data of the Aegis Nova alongside her but now she'll need the data from Nigel to actually harness.

    But she's not the only one who would have gone to great lengths to obtain the Intel. Jarvis and the Acolyte as well as Jahan and the N'zeer are also going to struggle to get the knowledge you now have.

    Please, do not allow any of them to get the Aegis Nova knowledge.


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