On the most recent Ingress Report, Susanna Moyer read a section of a letter to her from her father, Nigel Moyer.

On the most recent Ingress Report, Susanna Moyer read a section of a letter to her from her father, Nigel Moyer.

I have obtained the entire letter. It may help uncover just who was behind his difficult final days and death.

Help me transcribe it and find the clues we seek.



  1. This is a bit too personal to "obtain" and publish. It was kind of uncomfortable that she read it out on a broadcast in the first place

  2. Only paper and ink would suffice for this message. I do not trust electronic means which are so vulnerable to the like of ADA and the NIA. It was mailed by the person who is treating me at present, as I am no longer able to leave my bed. Whether this person can be trusted, I do not know.

    Susanna, you must warn people of the Aegis Nova. It is my theory that the Shield can be transformed into a highly targeted XM weapon. Put simply, jahan believes she can use it to prevent jarvis and the Acolyte from disrupting ADA using the knowledge they have gained from Klue's mind.

    I immediately encrypted the research. Far too dangerous. I wish I had never made this discovery, I was no longer young and can not flee.

    I did not mean to leave you this world, Susanna...a world of mind-hacking, transdimensional existential threat & weaponized science. But such a world I have left. I suspect my days are numbered like the fingers on my hand. I implore you, Repair what I have broken.

    At present I do not know whether I am a prisoner or a patient, but I am aboard a ship off the coast of New York. I have asked that you be allowed to visit me. Be vigilant.

    It is fairly clear that my purpose on this ship is to allow whoever is in control to gain access to my research. Though I am old, my senses are not as dull as many would imagine. That is the upside of a life lived in XM. I hear them talking about me outside this room. Discussing plans - how far they are willing to go. Updating their supervisor by the phone. Once I thought I heard the voice on the other end of the line. A woman, I think.

    Susanna, I hope I will be able to see one last time - your Father

  3. ps. In the letter some words are written strangely (letter case and spelling), don't know if that's just affected by Nigel's health status or he's trying to hide anything...

  4. Yik Sheng Lee​ Thanks for your update, the mistake was corrected.

  5. "Only paper and ink would suffice for this message. I do not trust electronic means which are so vulnerable to the like of ADA and the NIA."
    Yet you devided to post it online anyway. Way to go... Good job ignoring a dying man's request.

  6. Jahan and Jarvis are not capitalized, even though they are proper names. I wonder if that's a clue?

  7. As I Glypher I couldnt help but notice the clear definitions of glyphs throughout his letter and some that could represent glyphs but I'll keep to the ones you can obviously see... message, present, xm, knowledge, mind, repair, present, clear, gain, old, xm, outside, thought, end ,see. It makes more sense to me backwards. see end thought outside xm old gain clear present repair mind knowledge xm present message. You can take this message and break it up in many different ways which I felt was amusing. Other words like dangerous and discovery could represent danger and discover. If this is true though we'd have to consider all the possibilities which would leave us with this- message present shield (for barrier) xm knowledge gained (gain) mind dangerous (danger) discovery(discover) flee (escape) repair present clear gain old life (live) xm outside thought end see. There could be more but this is what my sleep deprived mind found at 1 am last night. I think again it makes more sense backwards.

  8. Adding the glyph pronouns I and you I found this interesting tidbit "Message I present you  shield (barrier) xm knowledge I gained"

  9. Yik Sheng Lee are the arrowheads linked to the encryption key?

  10. Is that a comma or a period between implore and repair?


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