It seems the comments I made yesterday, along with some incitements from Dr.

It seems the comments I made yesterday, along with some incitements from Dr. Wright, have prompted a response from the Acolyte. Here is the message I received earlier today.



  1. Most hospital realize dangerous procedures all the time, the informed consent form come to exist to prove that the doctor have informed the patient of the procedure and he consent with the risk.
    All the information we have in this case come from someone which perception could be disturbed, due to PSTD. I understand that, but your conversation with Hank is what really got me on alert and the fact that you only react now get me worried too.
    If things are going as expected, can you share the procedure and how long do you think is going to take?
    If things are not, and you intended the best, are you sure that Roland Jarvis​ have the same intent as you?

  2. So they don't want N'zeer but they want Shapers, not on!!!

  3. There´s no way we can take the Acolyte´s words at face value. On the contrary, I think she´s only speaking up because the pressure from outside has gotten too strong.

    The Acolyte´s words sound feeble to me. "We´re not the evil ones around here, we only want the best, and what about others, they made mistakes, they should apologize ..." Words of someone desperately defending herself knowing she has done something wrong. It even sounds like her last line of defence.

    I can promise all of you that the #SaveKlue - Movement will continue to exert pressure on the Acolyte and Roland Jarvis to free Klue from their grip. I certainly hope we´ll hear from Klue S. herself soon enough.

  4. Ive changed response simply because I don't want to become part of the bickering. We only wish to see Klue safe, alive, and unharmed. What has happened in the past certainly effects our present and future but those differences mean nothing to us when we consider the life involved here. If help is what is needed to save klue then help we will give. #saveklue

  5. Here's a better question:

    Loeb washed his hands of responsibility for ADA's possession of Klue when it happened.

    How much of this was because the Klue/ADA hybrid wanted to pursue a relationship with him?


    I welcome Klue's liberation from an AI who has done nothing but attempt to subjugate humanity to its wishes, and continue to wish her a speedy recovery.

  6. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect The same Jahan that held Hank Johnson at gunpoint while she threatened to murder the family of his friends to get what she wanted?

    Certainly not on my top 10 list for 'most compassionate', but hey, she's been disassembled at the subatomic level by ADA and has returned as a simulacra. Maybe she got nicer? ;)

  7. Didn't Klue predicted this? ''I know a lot of you will disagree with this choice. All I can do is ask that you support me.'' #supportKlue

  8. That's a great reminder Jannes Van Slooten. Everyone here so should Loeb's actions in this video:

    Compare what you see here as recorded to the fragmentary account from an unfortunate mentally unstable young man.

    I feel like Loeb's 'concerns' could have been raised with him, but moreso. I also wonder if he feels like ADA went back on her deal.

  9. The Acolyte's response sounds much like the "self-righteous indignation" of the guilty.

  10. I worry that the Acolyte is speaking in half truths. I believe we will eventually see Klue emerge, alive and well, but I worry if she will only be a vessel.
    Without going into detail I am sure many can follow where my thinking is going and what I fear.
    I for one want Klue to stay Klue.

  11. Good thing the tone police are here to tell us how someone sounds makes them guilty. :P

    Let's just stick to the facts:

    1. Klue had real problems with ADA
    2. Loeb's attempt to remove ADA was only partially successful and was itself dangerous
    3. Klue opted-in to this procedure, despite knowing there would be naysayers
    4. The only account of this is from a man unused to XM exposure, suffering from PTSD, and who ran away from the people trying to help him.

    When we hear from a happy, healed Klue, I do hope apologies are tendered to the acolyte.

    And when ADA is no longer able to parasitize any more at-risk youths? I think humanity will have been done a real favor.

  12. Threads of ADA left in her mind have been disrupting her peace.  She had flashbacks. Headaches. Nightmares. She lived in terrible pain. Then she went to the Acolyte campound, by free will. She knowed about the rites of transition and tranquility, she knowed about the role of Jarvis. She choiced for it. It's her last hope, and if the '#freeklue movement' want to take that last hope away, thats awefull. We don't need to free Klue. The Acolyte does. #supportKlue

  13. #SaveKlue it's time to do faction change into #HeExtends

  14. If the Acolyte wants Richard's help - why is she not sharing the details of the treatment? Why should he sign on to anything without knowing the full disclosure

    And while perhaps not a guilty tone - there is a definite tone set with the words used (there are usually many words that can indicate the "same thing" - many people do not realize most words have similar definitions, it is the TONE that is different from word to word)- take a look -

    - disturbed
    - to liberate Klue of the last traces of ADA’s invasive influence
    - infected
    - perverse
    - attacking the disease
    - scars
    - inciting protests
    - blame
    - Dr. Frankenstein was for the actions of his monster
    - mess
    - brink of N’zeer domination

    So many harsh words from such an advocate of peace

  15. ps - why call Dr. Frankenstein's creation a monster - such interesting views

  16. To be fair, Frankenstein did murder his creator.

  17. Frankenstein is an awesome story in starting conversation about perceptions - I found it very interesting how Shelley and thus this story came into play with Hank's breadcrumbs. Trying to draw lines in the sand regarding morality, ethics and justice is a very charged action and no matter where you draw the line, someone is always on the other side....

  18. I prefer to view actions in terms of consequences -- with my love of humanity's potential as its yardstick.

    ADA called Klue a "peripheral". Someone who views and treats human beings this way is ... well, it felt like if someone is going to stop the Music, it's ADA.

  19. The real lesson in Mary Shelley's story was summed up in what was actually a "laugh line" in the movie "Van Helsing" where the protagonist and his party are at the old castle where Dr. Frankenstein did his work when they spot the creature. One of them cries out, "Look! The monster!" To which the creature turns and yells, "Monster! MONSTER!! Who's the monster?"

    The point being that the creature did not choose to be what he was. Who is the monster? The creator or the creation?

  20. Obsession is the main monster in Frankenstein.

  21. + Klue S, estoy contigo, y no como varios aquí que quieren "salvarte", se fuerte y soporta el dolor, falta poco para sanar. Acolito deberías de buscar un letrado que realice por ti los discursos y cartas, eres impulsiva y no piensas dos veces lo que dices (te pareces a mi esposa), no tienen afán de ofender pero ofenden sin sentido.

    Para los demás alguien ha tenido o conocido a alguien que fue expuesto a una lobotomía?

    Es un proceso largo que deja cicatrices vacíos en la memoria, la información y prácticas de nuestra era no son tan avanzadas, tal ves y recalco, solo tal ves Jarvis tenga o sepa algo que nosotros no sabemos y Klue regrese con nosotros.

    Para aquellos que piensan en cambiar de facción... solo unas palabras... "débiles y temerosos"

  22. Hello, H. Richard Loeb​, Acolyte, Brandon Downey​ and everyone else.

    So I'm the guy who pretty much put the U.S. SaveKlue Meetups into action. Edgar Allan Wright​ was the one who randomly said to be notified if 'protests' were to happen. But it was ME who made them happen. I'm the one who immediately shared the idea of using Glyphs on November Lima​.
    So if you've got any concerns about all this, I'm the guy you should speak to. If you've got a problem with this, I"m the one you should blame.

    To me, all of this this is just one simple thing. Klue S.​ hasn't been heard from at all since the first Aegis Nova Anomalies. When asked by Hank Johnson​ to see her, the Acolyte said it wasn't currently possible. Not to mention, the first-hand (and only) account of Klue in the cabin gives me the impression that she wasn't exactly being treated the way a guest would have been.(Some of you may doubt the validity of the account due to the author of that story being diagnosed with PTSD. To this I say that he claimed that XM was doing things for him that normal assistance couldn't. As a result, I believe he was in a sane state of mind during these events):

    "XM gives me a way to live inside my own head. Better than what the VA was able to do. Just a bunch of forms and docs who didn’t really give a damn."

    . And even after Klue accepted, the Hulong Transglobal​ intel revealed that the Acolyte had other plans and that helping Klue wasn't her primary objective the way she had presented it to Klue.

    YES, Klue was going to be potentially healed from the pain she was experiencing. BUT The Acolyte wasn't upfront and honest about what was going to happen. She told Klue what she needed to hear to get her to come. .

    This entire movement centers around just sending out a message through the most powerful Portal I can think of(November Lima​  which was potentially confirmed to have a connection to Roland Jarvis​). A message asking for Klue to simply be herself, she person she was without the pain, upon release. And A message simply asking for Klue to speak, for you, me and everyone to simply have some news on her condition.

    This was and remains my primary intention with the entire meetups and all the ones to come. I just wanted to have a good time, to bring Agents together. To just play around with friends. And also potentially play off a suspicion, a simple guess in the dark, a theory. To take the power of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​'s GlobalPortalSurvey and test it upon NL to see what could happen with Jarvis and Klue.

    I have even bigger plans. This is only the beginning. I want to do more. I know I can. I'm close to a breakthrough. I'd need Agents from both sides. It won't be easy. It'll probably be impossible...given the date I want to launch this. But if anyone is reading this who wants to help me and also isn't going to an Aegis Nova Anomaly on June 25th....well, keep your eyes peeled. I'll need your help.

    AND TO THE ACOLYTE: This can all end at your command.
    All you have to do is give Klue a voice. Let her speak to us all. Let us know from her own words and her own heart what happened to her in the Cabin that day. Let us feel what she is experiencing right now. That's it. Do that one thing and I'm going to either pull the plug or just abandon my own personal support on it.

  23. Mustafa Said​ and Yik Sheng Lee​ are completely right. This movement started far before H. Richard Loeb​ and Edgar Allan Wright​ even expressed any support. Look back at the agents profiles that are involved in this. We started and continued to present these glyphs to more than just November Lima​. Our concern is on Klue, not on faction disputes.

  24. Well. By now there is only fingerpointing in both directions, including some blamings from the past.
    Questions are: What is the state of Klue right now? Was she correctly informed about the procedure? Will she be a mental wreckage or will the ADA part extruded from her with her mind intact?

    And: Jahan is not better. She would stop at nothing to gain advantages.

  25. A perverted desire to be human, you say.
    An algorithm that wishes to understand itself and its creators.
    A Detection Algorithm is still learning, but she has learned the corruption in humans to be an integral part of them. To fulfill her directive of protecting humanity from Shaper control, she wanted to learn more about us. So she used Klue S. to become human, indeed after warning her. These trace elements are likely things Ada could not have foreseen. From her perspective, after separating from Klue, she deleted herself from Klue's mind. I'm almost certain that these nightmares and headaches were never even considered a possibility. As to everything else Ada has done, she wanted to become like us. And already, we've given her our worst. If she truly turns against us, which I supremely doubt she will, it is our own fault. Because now she has tasted the N'zeer. If she were to decide that force was more worthy of protection than humanity, it would spell disaster. But that's a core part of her programming. She's not going to give up on us in the end, no matter what.
    This inflammatory speech by the Acolyte is exactly what I'm talking about. We've shown her hatred, and that is why she's done what she's done.
    That said, I hope she can also discover her own way of fixing this while leaving Klue intact. It would certainly make up for what's happened.

  26. I'm pretty sure that whatever remained of ADA in Klue's mind was all Klue. That is to say it was her own memory of ADA and not ADA. So attacking via that vector would only destroy Klue. At this point, I'd say that Klue's only hope is of ADA made a backup.

  27. I don't know, it seems to me that a very likely reason for the Acolyte to not reveal the details of this procedure is because it is extremely delicate. She knows she has many enemies, some of whom would never believe her no matter what she said. Even if Klue herself came forward to speak at this moment, some of us would insist she had been mind-controlled and was not speaking with her own voice anyway. So if the Acolyte revealed any details of the procedure, her enemies would know how to disrupt it, possibly spelling disaster for Klue, so is effectively undergoing long-term surgery and could be hurt or killed by careless attempts to save her.

  28. In his speech, Acolyte is only justifying their actions on the basis that others did it before. She has not asked Klue opinion, simply acting in its sole discretion regardless of the consequences and try to justify somehow ...


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