It's pretty clear to me that Akira Tsukasa is on her way to being one of the most influential researchers in the...

It's pretty clear to me that Akira Tsukasa is on her way to being one of the most influential researchers in the world of Ingress. Reports suggest she'll be on the ground at the Tokyo Aegis Nova Anomaly. I suspect we'll learn much more about her as her influence begins to spread.



  1. Prior to NL-PRIME, she helped develop the Ingress Scanner for Android Wear smartwatches and then moved on to operate a independent XM lab that would work with SoftBank to create the Ultra Link Amp..

    She's already got quite a record. Can't wait to see it grow.

    In conjunction with her self-dosing XM experiments, I'd like to showcase the thoughts of Yuri Alaric Nagassa, who at one point had spoken to the CEO of Visur Technology about XM and its effects on the human body:

    Visur may have already done some research on XM and the body. Perhaps she should look into that research...or maybe she already has.

  2. this LARPing remains high quality.. next anomaly, I shall be swatting ENL with foam weapons and shields

  3. Vicki Ellen No faction as of now, I believe.

  4. She's not entirely a "new" character, though this is the first time we've seen a picture of her. She's been referenced here and there over the years, mainly in reports related to Ingress in Japan. I believe the first time was during Cassandra. If you check the Google Plus event page for Cassandra, Tokyo, you can find a Hulong document (in Japanese) between Ezekiel Calvin and a Major whose name is redacted, but is most like Akira Tsukasa.

  5. James Nelson Yup, you're right. She's not 'new' in the sense that we've never heard of her. But she is starting to cover ground in a way we've never seen her do before. The landscape of XM tech is changing ever since the Researchers recursed at ABADN and Akira is poising herself to be the next Oliver Lynton-Wolfe: the next great brilliant mind of XM technology. With the record I posted above under her belt, she's already managed to gain respect within closed circles but NL-PRIME is giving her the chance to spread her name on an even larger scale.


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