If there was any doubt that Jahan and Smith were behind what happened to Nigel Moyer, this conversation should put...

If there was any doubt that Jahan and Smith were behind what happened to Nigel Moyer, this conversation should put those doubts to rest.



  1. "Good" to see both sides are being so ethical in this struggle...

  2. Jahan and the resistance tortured and murdered Nigel Moyer, Susanna Moyer's father.

  3. So Smith did what Jahan promised would happen to Hank's friends and Azmati's family.

    Again: why is this not a surprise?


    Now for the other side of this: ADA left hostile code in Klue's brain, and people are complaining that Jarvis and the Acolyte are removing it. These people want to rob a man's living memories in the Ultimate.

    These gogol pirates must be stopped!

  4. Yik Sheng Lee You should see this philosopher's work:


    If the great common task of our humanity is the resurrection of the dead, what does that say about those who would steal and plunder the mind-stuff of the dead?

    They are worse than mere grave-robbers. They are the opposite of what it is human -- to take that which is most precious and make it a thing to be pilfered.

  5. Yik Sheng Lee If your theory is correct, it begs the question of "_Who_ is EAW?".

    Given Moyer's family history -- a brother who died after hyper-dosing XM, and her father's history of unethical XM research.

    Is there any chance that EAW is a product of an experiment to take the memories of Peter Moyer out of the ultimate and put them in a human or simulacra body?

    And without anomalously high quantities of XM, is that why EAW suffers from memory loss?

  6. I kinda wanna read the Tsukasa paper.

  7. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Also, Smith was ordered by newly acting CEO Yuen Ni of Hulong Transglobal not to harm Devra Bogdanovich after what occurred: https://plus.google.com/+NianticProject/posts/ARHZfebSKVR

    He was told not to harm her at all. Yet A Detection Algorithm told Devra a different story.

    “Smith hopes to infect you, Devra. Test the interaction between the Dark XM and your inoculated self. He is going to make you into what you feared. I suspect you will welcome death when it comes.”, ADA said.

    “Antoine Smith is a violent man, and his tactical intelligence is quite high. As I said, Devra. This is not just about killing you. It is about killing you both. But your deaths won’t go to waste. They will be studied. It seems a fitting end to a researcher such as yourself. I’ve very much enjoyed getting to know you, Devra. Goodbye.”

  8. Dexter Torres Jahan ordered that Nigel Moyer is to be tortured in order for her to obtain his research. She's therefore responsible for his death. But Jahan is neither Resistance nor Anti-Magnus. She's a criminal acting on her own plan. Resistance agents protect humanity - we don't kill humans.

  9. thedeacon 1972 Jahan definitely currently leads the resistance and her family is deep-rooted in anti-Magnus as the lore suggests. I've seen your propaganda. It's a pity resistance has lost it's way and sold it's soul to the N'zeer. The resistance faction is full of contradictions.

  10. Brandon Downey Many Enlightened agents are of the same opinion than me: That the Acolyte is Holding Klue against her will to obtain Intel about A Detection Algorithm weaknesses with the help of Roland Jarvis . Klue's health seems to be of little or no importance to them. And you're grasping at straws when you say that we can't trust Scotts eyewitness Account. His PTSD didn't influence him as much as you say. He was able to put out two of the acolytes Bodyguards so he seems to be in good shape.

  11. So first they kill Nigel and then they try to get hold on his mind copy in the Ultimate - the soul (maybe). Sounds like necromancy to me.

    thedeacon 1972 Sorry to inform you: Jahan is the leader of the Resistance - just watch her speeches at the anomalies and all her statements. All your actions favors her - a murderer.

  12. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect If that's the case, was ADA indifferent towards Devra's situation? Considering that she easily could have figured out a way to help her out but didn't, I can only imagine one of two possibilities.

    Either she wasn't able to help Devra or she didn't want to. And given the timing of the events that unfolded, she wasn't exactly in any danger until after Bowles and 855 began making their move. She had managed to survive being hunted by Omnivore, Jarvis and the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs. And she emerged stronger for having done so. So I can't imagine her not being able to help Devra because she was tied up in something else at the time. But I could be wrong; I'll have to research it further.

    IF she was able to help Devra and wasn't occupied with other matters at the time, why didn't she fight off Hulong and Smith? Why did she simply say "goodbye"? When Devra stopped being a priority for her, why leave her out to dry?

  13. Jahan. If you read this, this is not earning our trust. This is potentially destroying it beyond repair.

  14. Can we liken the fragments that ADA has left in Klue's mind to be akin to the last shard of Voldemort's soul in Harry Potter?

    Coming to Jahan, her history itself precedes her.

    And hopefully the Acolyte has been trying to help Klue. One cannot expect something without anything in return. Klue would be free of ADA in return for maybe getting Intel about ADA for Jarvis. However are the objectives balanced? What if only one is attainable?

    Ah soooo many questions....

  15. Dexter Torres So have the Enlightened. Instead of following the cautious path of Hank Johnson they have decided to gather around the Acolyte and Roland Jarvis, who lead their campground like a sect.  The fact that the Acolyte mistrusts Hank Johnson shows clearly that there is a schism inside the Enlightened as well. And because Jahan stems from a family devoted to Anti-Magnus doesn´t mean she´s Anti-Magnus as well. I´m sure her ancestors wouldn´t approve of her deeds, were they alive,
    Martin Zehetmayer I know. Due to forces outside my control, everything I do for the Resistance benefits this murderer. That´s why I´m so ouspoken in my antagonism against Jahan. I´m still Resistance to the core, but Jahan doesn´t represent the Resistance I joined.

  16. Steven Callahan Klue opted in to her procedure; she was not a prisoner.

    Maybe you want to make a case there was negligence, but we have one report of not-even-negligence from someone who is a victim of PTSD.

  17. She actually wrote to Richard Loeb telling him this was her decision -- he published her own words.

    Maybe he's faking them? But no evidence to support that.

  18. While I appreciate the philosophical position quoted from Spock, note that his positioning is one of logic. The human condition, as the series illustrated many times over, is far more complex. Spock learned and grew from this position.

    Our difference perhaps comes from your reference to "kindness to self". Socrates looked at kindness to self as being best served when one lives a life of kindness to others. The act of kindness or morality itself was what was important; the willingness to take a position. One did not take a position in hopes of changing the world, only to then fail and fall prey to negativism.

    Instead, the act of doing right itself was sufficiently important to revitalize the soul.

    Living in incongruence to one's moral compass is far more damaging over time than standing by what is right even if you fail - because, you see, when you stand by what is right, you have not failed at all, regardless of outcome. The act itself is victory, and the cumulative acts of many over time bring change.

    Exhaustion comes from a point of view driven by changing others being the point, versus simply doing what is right regardless.

    By the way, our choices do effect others.


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