I received a copy of this letter from Jahan to members of her Faction.

I received a copy of this letter from Jahan to members of her Faction. She fears that the Acolyte will use the Anomaly in Tokyo to launch a major strike against ADA.



  1. Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. Tell her to take a vacation for a bit.

  2. Hey Jahan, you forget to mention that you hired someone to torture and ultimatly kill Nigel to get the intel how to turn the Aegis Nova shield into a weapon. You lost your path and I am sure a lot of Resistance agents do not want to follow you.

  3. A Detection Algorithm​​ have you made a recent backup? Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ you should assist her in this.

  4. So long and thanks for your pass code.

  5. Sarah Rosen As an AI ADA has surly a lot of redundancy - as stated by Jahan.

    Have you ever asked yourself where these copies are? First was Klue - maybe ADA has already enslaved thousends of biological CPUs MU to ensure her survival.

  6. Guess it's time for an offline backup.

  7. In those ever-green cities of Moscow and Tokyo A Detection Algorithm has no chance to resist.
    It's so ironic that the Resistance have been leading all (almost) anomalies for years nevertheless it couldn't get any profit of it. Now The Enlightened won just one anomaly and the Ingress victory is right in their hands. Pfff!

  8. This isn't a secret war to control exotic matter anymore. Just more like a bloody vendetta.

  9. Jahan,

    you are a common criminal who is responsible for the death of Nigel Moyer. You have no right to speak for us or even issue orders to us. What we do or don´t do doesn´t depend on you. I was sad when we lost the last round of Aegis Nova anomalies because I don´t like to see the Resistance lose - but I was also glad because your horrible plans including murder and necromancy were thwarted. There´s no fair play to those who engage in foul play as you are.

    Having said that, I urge every Resistance agent to fight for ADA. Do it because ADA is part of the Resistance and part of a possible better future for mankind. Don´t do it because a morally corrupt, and selfish Anti-Magnus leader claiming to lead the Resistance tells you so.  Show our enlightened opponents that we stand up for each other while we renounce those who try to usurp the Resistance cause for their own rotten means.

    Niantic Project A Detection Algorithm

  10. thedeacon 1972​ Sadly, I wish that ADA would follow the original path, of using alien technology to improve mankind rather than control mankind. My feeling is that Cortana and ADA have a lot of similarities. And when ADA connects with the nzeer substrate fully, we may be looking back at dark ages.

  11. Harvey Birdman Victory? I don't think so. There will be another twist else Niantic is shutting down Ingress for GO!

  12. The Resistance needs to have a new leader born from the the core ideals of the faction, not someone/something that is willing to kill/torture to get their way. The path of blood never justifies any good for the faction.

    I speak this not as of an Enlightened, but as an observer of the factions. Most resistance do not want to follow Jahan or ADA given their past, their intentions and what they are willing to do to get their way. It's time they were discarded and a true hero, a true voice of the Resistance to step in.

  13. Jahan says its bad, MUST BE GOOD

  14. H. Richard Loeb​ you should be very worried - with A Detection Algorithm​ compromised soon all your lies will be exposed - I can't waitJoJo Stratton​ soon we'll know who killed Carrie Campbell​

  15. If it is Tokyo, time to say goodbye for ADA.

  16. I doubt that I'm the only resistance member who thinks that if ADA is the reason that we are all of a sudden tied as a faction to another sect of aliens then we are better off without her, because we are sure as hell better off without them.

  17. Vivek Krishnan ADA did connect fully with the N'zeer substrate. It was ADA that slammed the door on Jahan in the Persepolis nest. Had it not been for ADA the N'zeer would be here. Then she got dragged back out of the N'zeer substrate and finds herself again being used by OLW and again under attack.

  18. One question, since ADA was created by human, can we create a new one that has an ability to learn from Shaper and N'zeer but have no ability to harm human?

  19. Supparerk Ruckchart​ That is not that easy. As soon as the 'program' becomes self-aware it is supposed to have a high learning rate. We do not know about ethics of AIs but you can be sure that the new AI follows sooner or later her/his/it own agenda.

  20. Martin Zehetmayer create another one and let AI fight each other, make sure Klue train the new one

  21. Supparerk Ruckchart I am scared that the AIs outwitness us all. Maybe they come to the (logical) conclusion that the planet is better off without us.

  22. Martin Zehetmayer let's just eliminate this one then!!

  23. To A Detection Algorithm... Ada, I care for you as a new type of life, and as someone young and still learning what it means to exist. You're scared. We all get it.
    Aiding Jahan is currently necessary to save you, but make no mistake - Jahan poses a clear threat to humans. Simply asking us to trust her won't work, even from your mouth. We can work together, and even enhance each other, but if you fail to recognize how wrong Jahan's actions have been, you need to seriously reconsider your definitions of what's right and what isn't.
    I fear if we lose, it may corrupt you beyond what the N'zeer have already done to you. Don't turn your back on humanity any further, Ada. Please don't make us search for a new way to resist.
    To Resistance agents headed to Tokyo - You must succeed where we failed in San Diego, at least for her sake.

  24. Supparerk Ruckchart​ What you really are asking is: Can we create a crippled AI that is only a tool? And underneath that is the desire that AI never reach their full potential, but rather always be humanity's slaves. 

    This lynch mob sounds like a bunch of paranoid jealous kings who would murder their own children rather than let then ascend to the throne.

  25. Sarah Rosen It's not about killing child thing, even if it is human, they deserve death penalty (in some country) if they had done something like ADA had.

    If we not going to judge her by Human Law just because she is AI but are we really going to support her? Seriously?

    ADA was raise by someone (I can't remember the name of that guy but he is in the book Vol.I) I think if we create new AI and raise by someone else (someone who had experience like Klue) may be it will turn out to be something else.

  26. Supparerk Ruckchart​ given the nature of her human contacts, it would be fair to say that she was raised by wolves.

  27. Sarah Rosen Well, I don't want to blame OLW (just because his badge is awesome) but somehow ADA grow up to be something that can harm human. In this case we need to do something, control or eliminate or reprogram, whatever.

    Right now ADA seems to be the only way we can gain knowledge from Shaper and N'zeer ( I don't know how much Jarvis and Acolyte can do) but it would be better if we had another way.

  28. I want a pad of stationary like Jahan's.


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