A source at in the Brooklyn police department agreed to speak with me (way, way off the record).

A source at in the Brooklyn police department agreed to speak with me (way, way off the record). I just got off the phone with her. Here are the notes of my conversation. They shed a significant amount of light on the situation with the body that was recovered there some time ago, the body we think might be Nigel Moyer.



  1. Alastair Gilfillan​ put this on the record

  2. H. Richard Loeb​ I was tipped off about this boat at Rotterdam during Stealth. There must be more to this Tony Smith.

  3. Yik Sheng Lee You're the expert on this line of inquiry -- do we have any evidence of what's happened to other simulacra after their 'simulacra' body was killed?

    I know in the past someone claimed that killing a simulacra meant the host would not be reborn, but I believed we ascertained this was not true?

  4. I just wonder: Acolyte acts openly trying to get rid of ADA from Klue's mind and everyone is like "bad Enlightenment, they captured Klue and make her suffer" in the same time some people probably connected with Resistance kill Nigel Moyer and no one is even paying attention to that. But of course there are no evidence so it's easier to blame ENL for everything and pretend that other things never happened.

  5. Someone died here; the question is whether it was Nigel Moyer.

    One suspect must be Jahan, as she has kidnapped and threatened murder to get knowledge she held dear before.

    She is by no means the only suspect, however.

  6. It's a pretty sure bet Smith isn't working for A Detection Algorithm​​ or Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​

  7. Sooo... not really off the record at all. Confidential source maybe but the record is right here. I hope the source doesn't get any blowback - I'm sure there are things here not many people knew.

  8. Strategy Explorers LLC (actually it is called Strategic Explorations) is an enterprise of Hulong Transglobal

  9. PAC was upset at the assassination attempt on ADA.  Said, "It wasn't supposed to go down like this!" Clearly he knew something was going to happen. So who was he in cahoots with? 855? Smith? Bowles? Hmm ... And here's Smith turning up like a bad penny on a boat outside of New York Harbor.

  10. Have you spoken to the police, Works As Coded?

  11. Alastair Gilfillan I have, and they said if I call them again about a video game or spread misinformation about bodies being found, they'd be very upset!

  12. H. Richard Loeb, I believe a team of Ingress Resistance: Brooklyn agents (led by Works As Coded) were seen chartering a small vessel in waters not far from Brooklyn just a few days before the body was reportedly discovered.

    My sincerest condolences, Susanna Moyer


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