Yesterday, thousands of Agents joined forces around the world and fought to place their stamp on the future.

Yesterday, thousands of Agents joined forces around the world and fought to place their stamp on the future. I saw their pictures, I heard their stories... from Tainan, Rotterdam, Chiang Mai, Manila, St. Paul, Savannah, Cape Town.

They surrounded me in Brooklyn. I heard about their bike teams and their GORUCK victories. Their link-bursts, and their incredible shard strategies. The upsets and the moonshots and the pride in victory, resilience in loss.

But in truth, I was only thinking about one person the whole day. I was thinking about how the events of the day would affect her.




  1. I'm not comfortable with what is happening to Klue, but I never have been. Her search for the truth has lead her to be a pawn and vessel for both sides. Who is she anymore? Who has she ever been?

    Maybe the Acolytes efforts will help.

  2. Typhoon Jim Seeing just what the Acolyte and Roland Jarvis did to Klue in the Compound, I'm not so sure. The attempt by Jarvis to extract the info out of Klue might be helpful for her but the Acolyte did lie to Klue to get her to the compound in the first place. She misled Klue, using her pain as a way to get what she wanted.

    Like Richard, I hope Klue doesn't pay the price for this.

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  4. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Remember the multiple Klues we used to hear from? What if there's a couple of them in there, and we're trying to make sure that the human original re-asserts itself by using things we know about ADA to give that alternate a way out.

  5. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect If she thought they were going to kill her, why would she have willingly walked into the compound?

  6. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect No one benefits if Klue dies.

  7. I'm also very worried about Klue S., I hope Jarvis don't hurt her as a way to get into A Detection Algorithm. He may claim that she is an evil AI, but if he does it, if he hurt someone like Klue S. to just gain an edge, he will be way worse, without a doubt.

    Also, as someone living close to scotland, I can confirm that there is nothing you can you to stop a scottish woman from doing something she has decided to do, so nothing that H. Richard Loeb could have done on that front, Yik Sheng Lee.


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