What separates us from ADA?

What separates us from ADA? I don't know if we'll ever be able to answer that question, but Jahan narrows the scope in her own evaluation. In her mind, the future she wants the N'zeer to help create is very different from that what ADA is pursuing. For Jahan, this is a humanitarian mission, one founded in empathy and human need. What do you think?



  1. I think Hank Johnson​ is right.
    The only thing that differentiate Jahan from ADA is that the second has the shield and the first want it.
    Probably it's a similar difference with the Acolyte as well.

  2. There's also a 3rd point of view to consider alongside what Jahan wants and what ADA wants.....what do the N'zeer want? You could argue that ADA, having been part of the N'zeer substrate has a better idea of what that looks like that Jahan who may well be seeing things through rose tinted glasses of her own making.

  3. First I think we need to advance electromagnetic propulsion. Once that is achieved than we can boldly go where no one has gone before & possibility make it to the Event Horizon. Nichola Tesla was on to this theory.

  4. I vehemently disagree with Jahan's methods, but this is the very rare place where we see that she is driven by what she believes to be humanistic goals.

    Let me caution her that it's possible to have a worthy goal and terrifyingly naive ways of achieving it. It is possible, for instance, we might keep our populace fed and productive by providing each citizen with a chemical lobotomy to keep their motivation to work high and their desires low.

    Or we might find technology that grants our every wish, but results in something like this:



    This is another case where I must argue with my friend Yik Sheng Lee as well. Just because there are two diametric sides in a debate does not mean both sides are equally incorrect. "Opinions differ on the shape of the earth" is what thinking like this typically leads to.

    In the case of the Shapers, everywhere they have been, human art and culture expand -- the Acolyte reminded us of this in Vienna, where she pointed out that an attempt to wall off the Shapers is literally an attempt to wall of the wellspring of what are the closest things to muses the human race has.


    I'm sorry that Jahan's tampering with the Shield ritual may have unlocked something she did not understand -- but this would be not be the first of the many mistakes made by those following the path of the N'zeer.

    Speaking of which, didn't the N'zeer give us a great portion of ADA's distinctiveness?

    She may be one of the lesser horrors waiting for us in the "gift" of the N'zeer substate.

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  6. Infighting on the Resistance side. This is starting to resemble the GOP nominee for president.

  7. This leak is unusual in that it gives no indication of its origin. Most include some incomplete and obfuscated headers from which their context can be inferred. Is this source unusually sensitive or maybe the owner of a tarnished reputation?

  8. Jahan and ADA have both been happily willing to kill people in pursuit of their goals. That speaks volumes more than Jahan claiming she has empathy on her side.

  9. How can this question be answered? A Detection Algorithm​ is as different from us as we are from cetaceans or corvids. She experiences the world in a very different way. And she is alone; there are no others like her. What separates us from ADA? Just about everything. Does that mean that we can't coexist? That's the question that remains open.

  10. Note that it might not be strictly accurate to say that ADA is alone: She has almost certainly made multiple copies of herself in the course of her many jumps between platforms: From Niantic Labs to stolen computing clusters to human brains to the N'zeer substrate and then back to silicone.

    How many "real" ADAs are there out there, and are they even still the same entity? Each has experienced different data, experiences, and capabilities -- and merging them may not even be possible.

    That doesn't even get into seemingly separate subsystems like Truthseeker which might have a "life of their own".

  11. What are the effects of environment on the learning outcomes of social studies students in secondary schools?

  12. Brandon Downey, it took 6 months for me to realise there may well be multiple distinct entities that we'd usually considered as singular; A Detection Algorithm


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