This cryptic image was sent to me earlier today. Help me find where it leads... and what it hides...

This cryptic image was sent to me earlier today. Help me find where it leads... and what it hides...



  1. The name of the picture, mirrored: gnp.blindhope

  2. An image of the Roman God Vulcan would fit with the current ingress storyline. Alternatively Prometheus is known for having planted the seeds of  hope in the human heart.

  3. Prometheus could be the right direction, he has stolen the fire from the gods and brought it to mankind, Zeus chained him after that on a rock an sent out a ferocious vulture to rip out his liver everyday, her name was Lyra.
    The "guy" on the picture, looks modificated and has some sort of bionic arms and plates on his chest and there's something in the flames, could be a sword or a Dagger or something else.. The pic shows triangles in the flames as well. It reminds me a little bit at H.R. Giger mixed with Guernica from Picasso and a Rorschach test. The face of the guy looks somehow familiar to me, but i don't know where i've seen it before, at the moment.. Could rather be some reference to transhumanism.

  4. It leads to all the images and signs of evil spirit exist in modern time better to remove it from your cell phone.

  5. The dead people hung in a tree.
    Scene from the 300.

  6. I'm nearly sure the picture shows a Sculpture somewhere and leads to a Portal with further information.

  7. There is the story of Vulcan creating the Aegis shield for Jupiter. Could be an image to the smith at work, doesn't really fit with the blind hope file name.,-86.795473&z=17&pll=33.491732,-86.795473

  8. Nice work Zoltán Lengyel​ and Katalin Schneider​

  9. It looks like its god growing away all that is not good on the planet thats whot it looks like to

  10. It says in the Bible at the end times god deweeds the would as he says hedges and toses the daed weeds being lost souls into the fernis ..all that are not gods

  11. Biting off more that you could chew.

  12. I agree with Owie rei biting off more than you can chew

  13. I thought this was going to be about game of thrones. Maybe that image was John Snow fighting in Winterfell, as seen in the fire.

  14. H. Richard Loeb  The other Prometheus statue from Imre Varga was also hacked but didn't give media.

  15. Anyone else see glyphs in the shape above him? Idk if im seeing things.....

  16. It's the "fire" of the gods QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​.


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