Thanks to some excellent work by Agents in Italy and London, a clue found yesterday in a map of Rotterdam led to the...

Thanks to some excellent work by Agents in Italy and London, a clue found yesterday in a map of Rotterdam led to the recovery of this message. It was found at the Museum of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in London.

It appears to be from Nigel Moyer... It's written in short, broken, fragments... as if it was a struggle... could that imply his state of health?

And the last line... 'Find my...' (The rest is missing...). What does it mean?



  1. Was it found next to a rulebook of any kind?

  2. And the last line... 'Find my...' (Rulebook).

  3. ...A different name.
    A shield that could protect Earth from XM, the Obsidian Shield, the Aegis... The only thing I could think of that could be a weapon that would be equally powerful and has gone by many names...
    The legendary Caledfwlch. Caliburn. Or as most of us know it today... Excalibur.
    Perhaps this is where the legend arose? But after Greece there was Rome, and then medieval times where the legend arose... there's too much time in between for it to make sense.
    Still, the opposite being some form of Excalibur would explain a lot of legends.
    Enough rambling on that I guess.

  4. Dave Daniels​ my thinking was along the same lines, though as opposed to Excalibur, I'd suppose the Ark of the Covenant.

    The Ark could be viewed as a weapon (as in the role it played in tearing down the walls of Jericho) or shield (as it was a literal token of God's protection of the Levites).

    I'd also be curious as to any parallels between Vesuvius and Mt. Sinai, as some scholars have suggested that the biblical Mt. Sinai may have also been volcanic. H. Richard Loeb​


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