Just received this from Anne.

Just received this from Anne. If anybody has any contact with Scott, please notify me. This is very significant. I'm really worried about Klue. I think it is becoming evident to all of us that Scott is a very high level sensitive who has become aware of things that certain people would rather stay hidden. The secrets of the cabin is out now, and there's probably going to be hell to pay.



  1. That's a sad end for a good, loyal soldier.

    The remnants of ADA were only Klue's memories. Her brain is being fried.

  2. "What did Lynton-Wolfe know about Dark XM?" (Ingress:Origins)

  3. Sounds like in his current state Roland Jarvis required a VR rig to communicate directly with Klue for treatment. If he's a limited-range XM entity then it would likely take less effort to interact with the device than appearing visibly (similar to the phone phantoms originally picked up at Cupid's Span when he first tried to break through).

    If ADA did leave a Trojan horse behind (and Klue's statements when she thought out treatment seem bear that out) then surely it has countermeasures to protect it from Klue's own mind as well as any outside help she might seek. Hopefully the tendrils can be severed without causing any harm but it sounds like a surgery that might require a clear margin of extraction.

  4. H. Richard Loeb check the boat. Seriously, it will lead you to what who you seek.

  5. Nothing unexpected here. Wondering why ADA isn't doing anything.
    Klue might be dangerous for ADA if she knows something or if she is still linked somehow.
    Maybe ADA doesn't have access to the dimension the compound is at?
    Or maybe it is a trap for Jarvis?
    I still wonder why the Acolyte isn't there.

  6. Mike Wissinger do you think that VR thing is something related to what Jahan was using in that one video to communicate with ADA?

  7. Has any agent been contacted by Scott?

  8. Woah. What is so important that you need to torture a poor soul? 😞

    Edit: Reevaluation: if a security mechanism implemented by ADA is now active I am wondering - why? Why hiding something important in Klues mind if you can prevent it? Maybe the ingression of her mind left more of ADA as she wanted to give her - for example a reverse channel to ADA?

  9. A 40 pound ruck and no battery in it?

  10. A backup. Or a recovery code. Klue S.​'s mind may have been trying to access whatever it is and the block that A Detection Algorithm ​planted is what is causing the headaches.
    Klue S.​ may not be able to "give" the information Roland Jarvis​ is "requesting."

  11. sewn to her head???

    What on earth? Please tell me the XM is playing tricks on his vision..


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