It seems that my failures have come back to haunt Klue.

It seems that my failures have come back to haunt Klue. Threads of ADA left in her mind have been disrupting her peace. And the Acolyte has stepped in... offering peace through some kind of 'Rite of Transition.'

Klue S.... I hope you know what you're doing. Agents, what do you think of Klue's decision?



  1. Everyone gets enlightened at some point.... just a matter of time....

  2. Klue S. te esperamos en la iluminación abre tus ojos al futuro de la civilización

  3. ADA(RES) ... disturbing ... peace
    I knew it xD

  4. Klue S.​ Why did you go to A Detection Algorithm​? Did you know what would happen beforehand? Your narrative here suggests that you did.

    First, there was ADA. What I went through with her changed how I thought and felt. I believed that merging would help us grow together. And it did… She grew into the human parts of me, and I grew into her amazing networked existence.

    I thought I could last there forever, but I was wrong.

    It sounds to me like you got what you wanted, and then didn't want it any more.

  5. Only Klue knows what's going on in her head, and even she may not see things clearly. I'm not going to second-guess her choice for treatment if she's seeing benefit from it.

  6. give me your badge and I will support you :) #TeamKlue

  7. Klue S. , I as an Enlightened agent myself, highly advise AGAINST taking up the Acolyte on ANY kind of 'offer' or some 'rites' to cure your nightmares.

    The proper path to enlightenment is one of self discovery and reflection. There are no special 'magical cures' or 'shamanic rites' that can provide you solace to your woes.

    I would recommend a spiritual retreat to Nepal or Tibet for some real, properly done self reflection.

    Do not trust the Acolyte.

  8. I just have to wonder if the "rite" is going to turn Klue S.​ into a simulacrum.

  9. If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.....Hey, even the Mona Lisa is falling apart.!

  10. Kosh TheRipper in many philosophies / societies there are certain rites and rituals that one must undertake to achieve enlightenment. For instance, "taking a spiritual retreat to [location]" is considered a rite. For all we know the Acolyte wants Klue to drive up to Cupid's span, and burn out that portal nude while being spritzed with water from the bay.

  11. This woman has malicious code running on the engrams in her head, left behind by an AI with limited to no concern for human life.

    I don't know enough on this Rite to know if it will help (remember many primitive XM rituals actually map neatly onto what modern technology has allowed us to accomplish), but it's pretty clear this is not a problem that could be solved just by self reflection.

    It is ok to ask for help -- and to have Friends who can provide that help.

  12. Could you give us a link to this conversation, Yik Sheng Lee?

  13. Klue S.​​ I say keep in mind that this will be a journey and to expect it to be much like the old Celtic Shamans spirit walks. Do not enter with expectations of what you will see, hear, or feel. Embrace your self, clear of mind and heart and do not lose that in the flood that is sure to come. Only you can make this choice and this journey and only you can make full sense of it in the end...
    Mhà a 'choire cha bhi ro dhomhainn!

  14. Hopefully, the leftovers of ADA, still with Klue, will be seen by "the acolyte", and will be enough to show her the silliness of the cause of the shapers. Anyone who assumes that "the acolyte" is in any way stronger (even with her 'friends') than Klue is incorrect.

  15. George Roy​ I think you forgot that KlueAda was openly advocating for the elimination of humanity due to our obsolescence. I'm pretty sure neither faction openly wants that to happen (or at least those individuals who were originally human who do not have any hidden agendas that include self deification).

  16. I actually don't remember ADA advocating our elimination when her and Klue were conversing (and i'm too lazy to try to go back and look up the actual words). I thought that it was more like: now that humanity has created artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence really doesn't need to care what happens to humanity (assumes AI can do its own maintenance). At least we can try to imagine ADA's goal/motives. With the shapers (and yes, the n'zeer too) all we know is "Trust us." As the shapers are supposed to have been around for hundreds/thousands of years 'shaping/helping' humanity, and looking at the current state of the world, forgive me if my faith in them is a little shaky. I think that if we ever actually see them face to face, they'll turn out to be the Kanamits. Also, how's the flag doing?

  17. As Yik Sheng Lee mentioned before, when A Detection Algorithm was attacked on Behind The Scanner, I was telling that ADA was fragmented (ADA did this on purpose to survive) and those fragments were locked up, waiting for some point to be reached or a ritual to be done to be unlocked.
    I think the some fragments of ADA in Klue S. are unlocked and giving her those nightmares, because it's interfering with her soul and not a part of her. The "Rite of Transition" offered by the Acolyte, might be something to catch those fragments; what is she planing to do with them. And also the Process, what will happen to Klue S.? I fear, that she will be even more traumatised, but on the other hand, the active fragments would kill her, as long she doesn't want to merge with them and stay herself, cose the fragments want to be reunited in one place. I hope Klue S. will be fine but what about ADA? Who cares about her, that she will get well again?
    blurred lines I guess, as long we don't know more.

  18. I hope you find relief, Klue S.​​. Go the compound and let the Acolyte help you.

    Do not trust any AI. Do not follow ADA


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