In a surveilled conversation, Hank Johnson and the Acolyte discuss the implications of the report recovered by...

In a surveilled conversation, Hank Johnson and the Acolyte discuss the implications of the report recovered by Agents in San Diego.

The Acolyte firmly believes that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and ADA were behind the recent changes to XM and Turrets in the Portal Network.

For now, I think it's important to remember that she could be wrong. We don't have the full picture yet.



  1. So she thinks the shield hasn't been blocking XM but absorbing it? Charging some capacity for a significant offensive use?

  2. Hank makes a good point, if ADA and OLW were not in cahoots from the beginning, then wouldn't ADA have had to keep an embargo on any news about the San Diego mission from Oliver?

    Crucially, as the Acolyte said, Oliver has many whims and no doubt wouldn't tolerate not having full, unfiltered access to the internet. Realistically, could ADA keep OLW in the dark without him realising it?

    Either they were in cahoots or OLW has recently discovered he was manipulated.

  3. Could it be that the shield is a giant XM capacitor?

  4. Martin Zehetmayer It could be, of course, but if it is, what’s the target of it’s discharge?

  5. Diana Tkachenko If would explain the XM shortage ('charging') and the return of the XM ('fully charged'). It could also act as weapon ('the shield is a sword') - release billions of XM into the portal network could target the Shaper. the N'Zeer or simply overload everything.

  6. Presumably A Detection Algorithm​ has a keen motivation to reestablish her connection to the N'Zeer substrate. Perhaps these actions are intended to set events in motion that will make that possible.

  7. Escudo y espada, se los dije en un comentario anterior, la "Obsidian Shield" no es mas que una bomba de tiempo, ahora ya cargada solo espera el detonador... que Jarvis, ADA o Jesucristo nos salve por ignorar el peligro... "no es malo ser curioso, pero siempre hay que tener mucho cuidado"

    Por cierto deberemos tener cuidado si OLW adquiere ese poder "inimaginable".

    Se acercan días obscuros...


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