I've been corresponding via G+ for the last few days with a person who I'm only going to identify as 'Anne' for her...

I've been corresponding via G+ for the last few days with a person who I'm only going to identify as 'Anne' for her privacy. She's given me permission to release some of our conversations and the email she's received. Her story is troubling...



  1. What Anne described as a strange vibe - often people will experience something that causes "Goose Bumps" to form (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goose_bumps) I am beginning to wonder if places like The Compound and the nests might be linked to that. The reason I bring this up Edgar Allan Wright and others (such as Hank Johnson ) have looked at human evolution and XM - well could the biological response of Goose Bumps and similar be related to XM?

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​ as always your posts push me forward! Kureze's theory about phase shift might be recorded by ADA. Every portal send a message (portal glyph sequence). By a phase shift of this message it might be possible to "answer" this message like a dialtone would do. Does this open the portal?

  3. The acolyte and a cadre of armed goons (presumabely in her employ) now gone - maybe that strike that extracted OLW was more successful than was let on. Who might the Acolyte's acolyte have been? Were they able to activate an XM barrier while the Acolyte had to rely on more conventional defenses?

  4. Hey hey Jason McHenry  Didn't you go here?

  5. I got here just you no excuse me I speak. My mind not. Like all of you all get on here change your names. 99%of you are. Married. Have a family. Lusting after. Men women go home be a mother and father husband. And. A wife I don't give s fuckabout Annie. She like to marry. Men that all ready married. Who are whoremoge and men pay to bring w immigrant women in the United States they take money from the family to do this about $1,700 and then Annie turned around and married the Immigrant women off to these married men in Florida Bullshit that. Were. I Am from fuck of πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜—πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  6. Note to Anne: You're right. It's a cult.

  7. I know because. My husband. No her Jonathan. West married an immigrant which he paid $1,700 to bring here and Annie married in and Florida and he's changed his last name to Shay Jonathan Shay and Katherine Shay I'm still married to him as Americans the 18 years he married this woman in 2009 so I'm going to kick his ass to the cleaners as of today I'm just read a lot of stuff on here he's been sending flowers to her and I can't even get a fucking phone call from the son of a bitch I will fuck your life over a nanny did love your ass is already been reported to the Immigrant service

  8. Sarah Rosen​​​​ if the Enlightened is a cult then so too is the resistance and antimagnus. 

    QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​​ Devra stated that exposure to XM affects people in different ways. It fixed Scott. so he wanted to be there.

    However, I do admit... if that's the "compound" it's very very ghetto looking and no worth our faction's time to maintain. Seriously, how can that be defended? I was expecting something more luxurious and not a rapey-psychokiller camp from hell.

  9. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect XM is the fix. Scott is drawn to the enlightened message because peace and serenity was not what broke him; it was the wars he fought at the behest of the industrial military complex; the same people who turned XM into weapons of war and proposed to use Chaotic-XM as a means of genocide.

    As for OLW, the fact that he wasn't "fixed" in itself is a red flag about the nature of the enlightened and how there is no shaper mind virus but instead only a N'Zeer mind virus (which was unknowingly used by both factions to further the N'Zeer's goals). If the shapers did not value our free will, then OLW would be drinking the kool-aid and bending the knee to JArvis and the Acolyte instead of screwing over the ENL every chance he gets by helping the N'Zeer gain a foot hold on the earth and now by joining forces with ADA to make the Aegis Shield into a weapon of mass destruction to be used against inter-dimensional entities like the Shapers and N'Zeer.

    The fact that he was able to do that even though "He is Enlightened" tells you that we are not a brainwashing cult that despises free will nor do we wish everyone in our faction was a drone; unlike the resistance who has coopted the freewill of both Klue and agent penfieldwyld..

  10. This is very interesting. Could it be that the portal, and by extension the entire compound, are only visible to sensitives of an Enlightened persuasion and those in their company? Perhaps Anne could return in the presence of an Enlightened sensitive....

    Klue S.​ perhaps?

    We can only hope that Klue is able to find the peace and perspective she needs.

  11. Mario Valenzuela II​ I think we were all expecting something less "Deliverance" and more "Hearst Castle"

    That's less "compound" than "campsite"

  12. Many such "compounds" exist along the California coastline. Probably the most famous is this one:


    These came of age after the age of aquarius, where people began to explore their individuality and their own relationship to the universe -- through meditation, mindfulness, and awareness of the nature around them.

    It's unfortunate that the people working at just such an institute needed armed guards to protect themselves -- but one presumes that is the fault of the armed special ops forces which raided the compound, no?

    I support their use of XM technology to find a non-violent way to escape the depradations of ADA and shadowy multi-national corporations.

  13. Could this be an actual physical place? If so, where, and would Klue truly be there I Wonder...

  14. Wondering what is so major about this that Richard has to post this.... will the compound come under attack next? Or does it have any clues about Aegis?

  15. Jason know he the one pay Annie 1700 dollars forehead immigrant BridesAKA Jonathan west shay


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