Another communication from Scott to Anne. This is getting intense. What should I tell her? What could I tell her?

Another communication from Scott to Anne. This is getting intense. What should I tell her? What could I tell her?



  1. This "ritual" is possibly a multi-dimensional operating procedure on the human mind.

    I would be cautious disrupting this process; any more than we would wander into a contemporary surgical procedure without scrubbing down or knowing how to not disturb the surgeons.

  2. Without any description of what he sensed between Klue and (Jarvis?) we're still in ambiguous territory. Security at the site after the recent attack is understandable and privacy for what's going on may be for Klue's benefit. Jumping to conclusions about what's going on (or whether the email is really from Scott for that matter) seems premature.

  3. What is Jarvis saying? More recon is needed. It's interesting that Scott couldn't handle it, is that some kind of intentional defense mechanism against eavesdroppers or just an overload?

  4. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​ Klue went to the Acolyte by choice. We know this with far more certainty then we ever could say the same about ADA when they were joined, because she told us so herself. I never trusted the Acolyte either, but Klue knows what she's doing, now more than ever before with all she's experienced. She knows she needs help from someone, and she considers Jarvis her best shot at getting it. Why can't you respect her decision and wait to see the outcome before demanding we do "something" that could do irreparable damage and make her even worse?

  5. H. Richard Loeb​​ tell her to consult with Hank Johnson​​. He's special forces and he is an expert in this stuff. Calling in big daddy will only cause a fire fight to ensue and will jeopardise the lives of everyone in the anomaly zone. 

    Also how is Scott's messages NOT being intercepted by the enlightened and how is his location NOT being triangulated? If the ENL compound is a top secret facility where are all the motion detectors and cameras to prevent an armed resistance incursion?

  6. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​​​​​ ADA and the resistance dominated Klue S.​​​​​​'s Mind, Agent Penfieldwylde's mind, the mind of enoch dalby​​​​​​, Stein Lightman​​​​​​, Misty Hannah​​​​​​, etc, and assassinated NIA ops, and tried to capture Hank Johnson​​​​​​ as he recursed so she could steal his secrets, make herself a simulacrum, and attack the enlightened. No faction has clean hands nor do any have pure intentions.

    in fact dont forget that ADA and OWL are trying to hijack the portal network and turn the aegis shield into a weapon of mass destruction (which might be used against humanity should she go rogue like KlueAda did, but will most likely be used on the Shaper's and/or N'Zeer). We are stuck with two choices, let the portal network become ADA and OWL's weaponized plaything or to stop ADA in her tracks with Klue's knowledge ensuring that her and OWL's schemes do not go into fruition.

    Side note:. Nigel's age doesn't matter since he is still a valid target due to the fact that knowledge he holds still makes him dangerous to humanity.

  7. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect you ask what if he is wrong? I ask what if you are wrong? We're only given parts of the facts, but what we have supports everything Mario Valenzuela II ​is saying, a lot better than what you are. We have documentation of ADA's murderous actions to accomplish her goals on multiple occasions. We have a whole lot less incriminating on Jarvis, and most of what we do have is speculative. So if you're hunting monsters lurking in the shadows, should you really keep ignoring the one that is already among us causing harm?

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. So until ADA is brought down, I will continue to side with Jarvis, who at worst is guilty of some really convincing propaganda.

  8. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ Jarvis seeks to control those in power? Sure, I'll grant that. Makes him ambitious. Evil depends on motive as much as methods. Hank Johnson days he's "pure evil" ? Okay. That statement was weird and out of character, at odds with all the times he's sided with the Enlightened. Ignorance us keeping humans safe? Okay, so one side prioritizes security and the other prefers liberty. Neither is evil, both want what is best in their own perspective. Threatens Nigel? Yeah. The man may be 80 but he's still an active participant in a war. Many soldiers have wives and children, but that doesn't stop us from trying to kill them if they threaten what we care about. The Shapers consume us? Don't forget about the next statement he made, the more coherent one, where he admitted that was a poor choice of words. He also said they want to preserve us forever.

    There can be no doubt he is evil? I'm sorry, there can be plenty of reasonable doubt. None of that would hold up in a court of law to prove his guilt, and it doesn't change the fact that Klue, who knows him and has been freed from any Enlightened "brainwashing" by ADA, sought him out for help of her own free will and you are proposing interrupting a very delicate procedure, because you are concerned for Klue's safety?

    I don't buy it. You're afraid of what they'll find in there. You're afraid they'll be able to hurt ADA, who is at least an equal monster to what you claim of Jarvis even if everything you say about him is true.

  9. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ let me ask you one question, are the "shapers" that told Jarvis they wanted to consume humanity the Shapers or were they N'Zeer? I ask since the manifesto was spoken by sharded versions of Jarvis who I assume was being fought over by multiple Shaper civilizations, one that wanted to experience humanity and one that wanted to replace humanity with artificial creations. During the first year there were hints that the N'Zeer existed as a result of OLW's various comments.


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