Anne sent this my way just a few moments ago -- it's another email from Scott at the Compound.

Anne sent this my way just a few moments ago -- it's another email from Scott at the Compound. At this point I'm certain that her replies to Scott are not getting through, most likely due to the anomalous nature of the facility. And what the hell is going on with Klue? I knew she was going to be at this compound for some kind of ‘healing rite,’ but this is different. This feels dangerous.



  1. H. Richard Loeb Please advise on how to proceed. The location is identified.

  2. Let me guess: ENL wins the anomaly, ADA is exorcised but Klue will become brain dead. RES wins, ADA takes over Klues body again and Klue's personality is lost forever because Niantic​ likes undoing enlightened victories.

  3. BigDaddy ... Hank Johnson​? He always seems to show up just in time to screw things up save the day.

  4. Yik Sheng Lee Could be on to something. What if the cabin, hides more than just Roland Jarvis's body. It could be the entrance to a cave, not unlike the one found in Luizi Crater. If it is a gateway to naturally occurring Dark XM deposits there would likely be naturally occurring gold or silver as well, which could further explain the compound's ability to remain financially independent.

  5. firewalls on the network served by all nearby cell towers seems like a simpler explanation for messages not making it through, in which case all the emails in either direction are probably being intercepted and examined

  6. Or maybe the cabin was empty before Klue's arrival, and the only Dark XM was inside her; that's why the guards have only started searching for stragglers after her arrival. Anyway, I hope they don't start using the people there as vessels or whatnot - cults can be weird like that.

  7. So according to IR Klue is now a hostage.


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