When I learned that the Acolyte's compound was attacked, I was fairly certain we would trace this back to Jahan and...

When I learned that the Acolyte's compound was attacked, I was fairly certain we would trace this back to Jahan and the Anti-Magnus group. Hank Johnson had the same thought, it seems, and confronted her with the question.



  1. There is no evidence to suggest any specific suspect. There are at least 3 other competing theories that, given the current known information are equally valid.

    • OLW arranged his own escape because he was essentially a hostage of the Acolyte. This may have been with our without Ada's help.

    • The assassins returned to "finish the job" on ADA and need OLW to get to her.

    • The former Special Operator Hank Johnson pulled this job for reasons yet unknown.

    Let's not forget that Jahan's home was raided in a similar fashion while she was trying to retrieve the Wind Jewel from South America, only to be outfoxed by . . . Hank Johnson.

  2. Maja Starachowicz Mr. Smith refers to Antoine Smith, Employee of Hulong Transglobal and leader of their paramilitary group, known as Strategic Explorations.  As Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is one of the only known experts on working with Dark XM, its easy to expect Hulong (who is a leader in acquiring Dark XM) would want to have him working on their team.

    It could just as easily be Visur Technology.  And though for some reason I don't suspect them as much, it could be IQTech Research or the NIA as well.

  3. This isn't Jahan's MO. As much as I don't like or trust her, I don't think she did it. My bets are OLW and ADA staging an attack and getting the heck out of there.

  4. Anyway, although Jahan had been, she would not say it openly.
    Sarah Rosen there are many interests in the work of Oliver so it would not be surprising that he arrange his own escape to work without all eyes on him.

  5. Yes, it certainly could be the real reason he wanted A Detection Algorithm's help.

  6. While I don't know who did this, Jahan is hardly a reliable witness. This is the same woman who kidnapped Hank Johnson, then threatened Azmati's family with dead if he would not cooperate.

    Not exactly a shining example of human values.


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