Two groups of people deserve our thanks for bringing this vision to the surface.

Two groups of people deserve our thanks for bringing this vision to the surface. The first are the Agents who took part in GORUCK Operations at Anomalies around the world last weekend into order to recover scattered fragments of code. The second are the members of the Investigative Community and Operation: Essex, who painstakingly decrypted and uncovered the message hidden within.



  1. It was well worth the effort H. Richard Loeb , the decoding team REALLY enjoys these types of puzzles and we can't thank you enough from our team to yours in making these happen.  Again, THANK YOU!
    -Decoders and Investigators

  2. A single star that grew to envelop the sky itself - is the ultimate protection from hegemony competition?

  3. Humanity without XM might be troublesome. That's the problem here. We don't know what effect this XM drought will have. It could stifle creativity and be even worse than the Shapers and N'zeer. It could even be that this is what the Shapers feared, not the N'zeer, not machines, but the conflict that would arise if humans like Jahan attempted to contact them. Both the Acolyte and Jahan have proven themselves dangerous by either playing with things they know nothing about or perhaps intentionally cutting off humanity from its flow of creative potential. XM brings out the creativity in some, but darker aspects in others, and I would say that both the Acolyte and Jahan have become prime examples of the latter. Unless they release a statement as to why this XM drought is occurring, the Resistance and Enlightened should reject such harmful, dangerous, rash leaders. If the acolyte cannot read glyphs, of what use is she to the Enlightened? If Jahan endangers the world by using most of its XM to counteract the acolyte, of what use is she to the Resistance?
    Forget these dangerous humans as our leaders, clear them from their headship. They are unqualified.

  4. "The devil doesn't play god, he thinks he is god"
    Kind of a twisted concept that you save by death. By no means saying it's true, only what I think.
    Why would deception think it's god? Because in a way it is, the laws made by " " are unbreakable. We call them laws of nature. A few to the point recommendations for a good life and peace out have fun. One of the first goes back to Kane and Abel, god banished kane, he took a sister or two and started civilization. An idea from fire and birthed by man, the trend continues to today. So is it all evil? Not at all.
    This shit gets lengthy complex and confusing and I gotta pee so in a nutshell, if the world's starts to die and some higher level of exsistances begin to show themselves, one says death, the other says fight, the one that sounds evil isn't. The earth would be dying and so would we. Could it be magically stopprd? You betcha, but if you believe in this stuff the earth was given to man and promised no interference at all untill we destroyed it then we get outed. If they fixed gods promise would be broken and he don't do that, he just smiles a lot. It appears to darkness, and maybe so, but keep the quote in mind huh. It helps with this shit.
    P.s. not my official standing just rambles, long live chickens

  5. Dave Daniels you talk as though "US humans" don't include you. US humans are arrogant, hard headed, dumb, and slaughter our own in the name of peace. There is to be no enlightened ones here. We "humans" get absolute beauty from our ugliness, we walk amongst God's, Fuck we think we are gods. Here "on earth" we walk with beasts only to kill and feed on their flesh so we can survive. "Its like the universe is screaming at you, and you just ignore it" I've heard of the "enlightened" and I see puppies (except one, he's cool) dangerous you say, damn right, "US humans would destroy the solar system in the name of "I wonder what would happen if" lord I apologize,

  6. Bit hard to get what you mean, but you're correct. The best humans can do is remove the most current threat. But they're willing to destroy themselves and each other to do it.
    We're not always right. But in this case, we see these two in particular have caused a problem for the rest of us. Either they say something to apologize for this or we as factions should dump them.

  7. Dave Daniels do you mind if I ask who these two people are and what they done that merits an apology?

  8. Jahan and the Acolyte. An accident, caused by their direct usage of great sums of power that though many of us helped create, they chose for us to actually use. Given the global XM drought, this was a mistake. A mistake is the easiest thing to apologize for. If this drought was intentional, then it gets a bit harder to trust either of them. Let me also clarify that I was speaking using glyph-colored terms when I said "forget dangerous human leaders," just for the dramatic effect (Forget Danger Human Lead).

  9. Sounds to me good for the Resistance :) No more pesky XM.


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