Obsidius returns to Pompeii only to find the city lost to a massive and tragic disaster.

Obsidius returns to Pompeii only to find the city lost to a massive and tragic disaster. The question is: Was this somehow connected to the conspiracy surrounding the 13 Obsidian Arrowheads? And if so... how?



  1. Was this an act of the Shapers? Or the Nzeer? Or both?

  2. This was an act of Niantic handing the Anomaly to ENL

  3. Nope, just stating a fact. :) Happy that you all finally won, even if you did need a lot of help.

  4. Robert Nopes. Either way the shield would have been activated. They kept fail-safes.

  5. Vivek Krishnan Crap, really? Even though Jahan isn't Resistance? She's with the N'zeer. Resistance is pure.

  6. Yik Sheng Lee It's the first time I read something about "dark XM"... is it just an old history or could it be true?

  7. David Rojas Dominguez dark xm is chaotic matter


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