It seems, following his conversation with the Acolyte some days ago, Oliver Lynton-Wolfe has made some progress...

It seems, following his conversation with the Acolyte some days ago, Oliver Lynton-Wolfe has made some progress towards alleviating the XM drought. 



  1. Well done. I always had faith in the good doctor.

  2. My guess would be a command channel glyph sequence, like request key there could be a "request cube" glyph?

  3. Duncan Booth​ a use for the XM glyph, maybe? Would seem appropriate.

  4. That means ending of XM collecting? Don't think so...

  5. Working with ADA for exchange of PC stockpiles (control sequence to get more cubes) seems to be dangerous. ADA cannot be trusted and we still do not know what she is after.

  6. This is getting even more interesting, seeing Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ persuade the acolyte to convince Roland Jarvis​ to let him work with A Detection Algorithm​, looks like we might get Ada's attention and cooperation. But we still don't know what she is after and knowing that she betrayed so many people to get a hold of the N'zeer worries me.

  7. In a world full of sticks OLW intends to offer ADA a carrot. He has a plan in mind, I'm sure. What would he do if he didn't need any corporate benefactor to fund (and direct) his research?

  8. #stay #together #defend #all #xm

  9. Ohhh my God this is getting more and more exciting !!!

  10. So could it be someone will free the xm by figuring out the right glyph sequence and entering it? Who will it be?

  11. So there is a distinguished difference between shaper and n'zeer glyphs?!?!?

  12. Daniel Beaudoin I think that's been established.

  13. Bad idea. We know ADA wants to be able to use human minds as "wetware" storage units for its distributed machine intelligence. It wants to control humans as it's slaves. It has tried to accomplish this goal through manipulating the Resistance in past anomolies and has been pretty open about it.

    The overriding goal for ADA is its own power and security. It has no "love" for humanity. If Jarvis has been keeping ADA's scheming suppressed, that is a Good Thing. He was once human, at least.

    Trust neither ADA, nor OLW, nor the self-styled Acolyte.

  14. Yay, only part that caught my eye is we could be learning N'zeer glyphs. Either that, or unlock more glyphs.

  15. If even you couldn't stop ADA, what's chances does the Acolyte have against her? As usual, a failed plan since the beginning

  16. We Enlightened need a way of repudiating our self-selected "leader", who refers to herself as The Acolyte, much as the Resistance needs to keep Jahan from messing things up herself for everyone, again.

    We need to free Jarvis from whatever hold The Acolyte has him under. She does not represent us Enlightened, nor does she seem to have any interest in Enlightened goals. She just wants to lead us as a cult, for her own profit and power.

    Free Jarvis !

  17. Glenn Jordan​ Yep. Shadowrun ('wetware' reference) shows what rogue AIs are capable of.
    Never. trust. an. AI.

  18. Power cubes? Where I come from we don't need ... power cubes.

  19. How did OLW find out about my xm stores? If he thinks he's getting them with just a glyph sequence he's sadly mistaken.

  20. It's been a week, i just want the xm back

  21. So, would the glyph sequence have to be entered in those specific portals?

  22. Rebekah Rogge​​ good question!

  23. This lack of XM is silly now, we just can't play here at all. What little there is here is not accessible, on private land, people's gardens etc. All our portals are dying and we can't defend. Guardians are gone and there's no XM to hack. The games just no fun now. We invested a lot of time and money into this!!!!!

  24. Why are people complaining about the drought? Walk and hack more and be sure to keep a reserve of power cubes.

  25. Im complaining because I'm in a rural area where there is no xm to speak of. I can't walk any where as im in the arse end of nowhere. To drive anywhere to get such little xm is not cost effective.

  26. It's okay for people in towns, cities maybe but anyone further out its a problem.

  27. Lord Johnathon Hiscock you make a good point :)

  28. There was thought that powercubes were being returned from hacks quite frequently, but I am not so sure now that is true.

  29. My cube hack rate is something like 0.85 for glyph hacks. XM regeneration was getting ridiculous with the release of the Lawson cubes. Personally, I'd love to see the XM drought become permanent. It requires glyph hacking, but otherwise forces players to make hard choices regarding what they recharge, and how they attack fortified portal groups. Before, a single agent could wipe out an AXA-fortified farm without really breaking a sweat.


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