Hank Johnson, a scholar, former special forces operator and member of the Niantic Project research team shares his...

Hank Johnson, a scholar, former special forces operator and member of the Niantic Project research team shares his thoughts on the Obsidian Shield and just how much we could have known in advance about the chain of events that led to the Global XM Drought.



  1. Interesting thoughts. The Vesuvian Magnus angered both shapers and nzeer... So why would the shapers have allowed the Acolyte to deploy the shield? Perhaps she is not so close to the Ultimate as she leads on. And what about Jahan? Were they both decieved by the other faction into using the shield to remove all XM in a scorched earth type strategy?

  2. David Timothy​ that's an interesting point. Both the Shapers and Nzeer had known what would happen if the shield was activated. What is the nature of the communication between these entities and their human "friends"? Is it cryptic in nature allowing for various interpretation? Or is it more concrete? This example is evidence for the former..

    Or is there some other objective behind this XM famin?

  3. David Timothy We do not know how the 'communication' with the Shaper/N'zeer really works. It seems a one-way most of the time - or the shield itself shielded itself to be noticed by both.

  4. What does Hank mean with the following: In deceiving us, the Shapers and N’zeer revealed a great deal about themselves.  ?

  5. Will Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ be making a groundbreaking announcement soon? I certainly hope so!

  6. I'd like to focus a little on Pliny's fate and motivation. 

    Let's look at this: 

    " Pliny reassured his party by feasting, bathing, and sleeping while waiting for the wind to abate but finally they had to leave the buildings for fear of collapse and try their luck in the pumice fall. Pliny sat down and could not get up even with assistance and was left behind. His companions theorized that he collapsed and died through inhaling poisonous gases emitted from the volcano. On their return three days later (26 August) after the plume had dispersed, his body was found under the pumice with no apparent external injuries. The problem with the toxicity theory is that his companions were unaffected by the same fumes,"

    As a Magnus, was Pliny's body XM-based? Is it plausible his body died or decayed just as Roland Jarvis' did when exposed to the ravages of the portal virus? 

    The idea that some rogue Magnus might seek immortality and control of his own destiny through the use of a prime XM artifact to wall himself off is not that implausible: But if the artifact had as an unintended consequence sealing off XM from our world, might he have sealed his own fate? 

    Or was he acting at the agency of some other Power -- one which no longer had need of him as a tool once the influence of the Shaper and N'zeer vanished?

  7. Yuri Alaric Nagassa have you manged to conclusively date the events that inspired the Anaztek legend of punishment visited upon their civilization?  Is there any chance that it corresponds with the Vesuvian Magnus creating a global effect that they felt the brunt of?


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