A reminder that the list of enemies Lynton-Wolfe has made in the last few years is very, very long.

A reminder that the list of enemies Lynton-Wolfe has made in the last few years is very, very long. And while he (and Calvin) may have the benefit of no longer having the memory of those betrayals -- others have not forgotten. As we unravel the mystery of what happened at the Acolyte's compound, we'll need to be watching a lot of different forces and their motivations.



  1. The NIA intervening in such a direct way would be a bold play for an agency that has not been so forward in recent years.

    It seems like any or all of the corporations (or anti-Magnus) might want OLW as literal "payback" -- he's too valuable an asset to eliminate, but if his research could be leveraged....

  2. Olw is to important to be killed by any known faction. Seems someone want his studies or wants to prevent the return of XM

  3. And ge ran away before the attacker could capture him however i dont think the attack was aimed at him it was the acolyte that was the target have you seen her scanner she is level one but she has much more ap than it takes to get to level three it makes no sence

  4. Setimes you can find the truth by looking at what's not being talked about. Antimagnus, IQtech, Hulong, NIA. There's only one player not being mentioned here.

    Visur Technology​.

  5. No Kidnapping nor ran? Could that mean Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ has/was turned into a Simulacra while doing his research?

  6. Daniel Beaudoin they wouldn't touch him they have bigger plans than him

  7. Philipp J. Bock​​, it's actually a fact at this point. As well as the other researchers. #ABADN

  8. Button Land​ I don't know man. Ilya hired him once before. Wanted him to help develop life-prolonging XM technology. Might want him again for this same purpose or maybe something new?

  9. Thats is tje most likely answer i for one dont want the shield to be removed. I even took out the field that has the compund hidden in it i think its time to say y i did it... One answer as long as the shield is up at level 7 im as powefull as an 8 the only xm that is not affected is dark xm i have a way to extract it but as long as that shoeld remains up i extract only dark xm into my scsnner id ya want to lean how i can show you

  10. At the risk of sounding conspiratorial: OLW worked for and more or less burned all the major corporations. 

    Who else has he worked with? 

    The answer is: Whatever shadowy forces helped him in Buenos Aeries to build a super weapon to try to destroy Roland Jarvis. 

    Was this anti-Magnus, or some other faction who had no interest in seeing a human being resurrected at all?

  11. +Brandon Downey. Dark xm is the only thing that the super weapon was made from

  12. The company that fixed nl1331 wants the shield to stay up


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