Yesterday, Agent BigMatty and his fellow Enlightened were given a difficult choice: Share the Artifacts from the...

Yesterday, Agent BigMatty and his fellow Enlightened were given a difficult choice: Share the Artifacts from the metal box (what some are now calling the Harlan box) with the Acolyte or with Jahan. What would you choose in their shoes?



  1. Acolyte! Her adgenda isn't for the N'zeer

  2. He should give them to Oliver Lynton-Wolfe !

    Both Jahan and the Acolyte make vague promises about "some information". Oliver Lynton-Wolfe turns information into weapons. Trust him.

  3. How about someone who actually has a name and no secrets.

  4. I would choose neither Jahan nor the Acolyte.

    It is usually a vast mistake to believe that our choices are strictly binary. Jahan cannot be trusted, but we know her broad agenda. The Acolyte may be aligned with us, but what do we know of what she pursues?

    I would trust a voice of experience and caution. I would seek Hank Johnson's advice, and share the knowledge with him first. Depending on what the contents of the box are, it might be possible to then share with all truthseekers... but sometimes, unrestricted knowledge can be dangerous. Caution should be exercised...

  5. I agree with you Morph TXR13 , I am a resistance agent but you cannot entirely trust jahan and the acolyte, we should trust the ones who have experience with this power of xm

  6. A second key was found where the box was left unattended. It is possible that the artifact was stolen and what they have is a fake.

  7. They should do whatever the Enlightened High Council​ tells them to do, obviously. Good cult members must obey their leaders!

  8. Sarah Rosen The box was not left unattended. At least not by ENL, we were watching it even when Susanna Moyer wasn't.

  9. Anthony Castanza it was Matt Stevenson​ who told Operation Essex​ that the box had indeed been left unattended for some unknown period of time. That's my source. Will you discredit him?

  10. Sarah Rosen​​ I know exactly when he was talking about, I was actually the one watching the box. He just didn't know me yet. The only one who had a window to grab it would have been me, I thought about it - but didn't. Unless of course, Moyer left it unattended before they started letting people into the party. That can't be controlled for, but when it was accessible to when it was opened - I was there, watching.

  11. Sarah Rosen Anthony Castanza​ you are both right. I will post a close up of the box during the time I am talking about. It certainly wasn't being directly held, but it was on stage. I am friends with Anthony's father Joel Castanza​ and as I exited the stage he introduced us. They are actually the two who escorted me to my car that night so I could leave safely with the artifacts.


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