The most recent Obsidius Fragment revealed one of Cybella's darker visions.

The most recent Obsidius Fragment revealed one of Cybella's darker visions. Perhaps spurred by that, it seems Hank Johnson has once again attempted to de-escalate the war between Jahan and the Acolyte as they race for control of the Obsidian Shield, an ancient Artifact that has put Hank in a state of deep unease.



  1. If HJ is against it, that's a very good reason to be for it.

  2. #morepointsforvienna #moreshardsforvienna #clustergameforvienna

  3. If Hank Johnson​​ knows what the Obsidian Shield is capable of(and as of this post, I'm convinced he knows), he has a responsibility to expose the knowledge of its power to both the Enlightened and Resistance.
    He knows Jahan and the Acolyte aren't gonna quit and neither will the factions.
    If it activates, he can't say he didn't warn everyone. Because this time the only three people who seem to knows for sure what it's gonna do are Jahan, the Acolyte and Hank himself.
    And two of those three want the Shield.

    If he exposes the secret of the Shield to the world, it'll at least be educational to everyone going to the Anomalies who are fighting to activate it.

  4. I prefer the leaders who try to put fires out.


  5. Yik Sheng Lee​ Your posts make sense now that I'm drunk! All this time, I thought you were just posting incongruous ENL-tinted propaganda, but now I see the Light! Lucifer be praised!!!

  6. Robert keep drinking, i can still understand your posts

  7. I share Hank Johnson's hopes for a leader who can put out the fires -- but right now, the entire human race is threatened by the N'zeer. The flames of perdition surround us all.  

    Already, their bespoke-AI ADA has tried to upload herself into the neo-cortex of every human on earth. 

    Jahan, in order to contact the N'zeer substrate, had to become a simulacra to do so: less than human, and under the domination of her overseers, who would see our race reduced to vassals and shells for their intellect.

    The Acolyte should invoke the shield's power, and block the N'zeer from becoming our masters.

  8. Brandon Downey but is using the Obsidian Shield's power worth the potential risks that it could bring?

  9. Actually, Roland Jarvis warned us that artificial intelligence would gut the future of humanity and leave us unable to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe.


    After he made this warning, ADA began an attempt to upload herself onto into every single human mind. We stopped her from doing this when we foiled her efforts to steal Hank Johnson's memories and effectiveness.


    Xenophobia is the fear of something because it is alien

    We in the Enlightenment have no fear of the unknown, or even those different than ourselves. We do, however, realize that artificial intelligences who want to make us into their slaves are a clear and present danger; perhaps because our eyes are truly open.


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