Relying on the secrets contained in an ancient document, Jahan is hoping to find any way possible to reach her...

Relying on the secrets contained in an ancient document, Jahan is hoping to find any way possible to reach her endgame. Success for her will ultimately rest on the shoulders of the Resistance Agents at the Anomalies next week, but if she does succeed, it could dramatically alter the landscape of our world.



  1. I normally agree with you Yik Sheng Lee, but carefuly analysis of the texts so far indicate that most of the danger shield involves both 'sides' of the Shaper/N'zeer war tampering with it at once.

    Jahan should step back, because even if she disagrees with the Acolyte, she is tampering in dangerous ways with a very powerful artifact.

    That probably should come as no surprise -- given that we were introduced to Jahan with her pulling a gun on Hank Johnson and threatening innocent family members of Azmati.

    This is just a return to form, on a grander scale.

  2. Those things are dangerous, they probably caused the Vesuvian eruption and the destruction of several cities, the rush of both the acolyte and Jahan to use them is quite foolish. Everyone is advising them not to activate it until at least they got more data and the consequences of their deaf earswill be dire for all of us.

  3. Brandon Downey Shouldn't the Acolyte step back from the Obsidian Shield as well? Hank Johnson​ has warned both of them against using it. And both of them are committed to doing so, regardless of the risks it could bring.

  4. H. Richard Loeb Have you considered taking the Niantic Project account back over?  It seems there has been a shift from holding conversations on the Niantic thread to holding them under yours.  Personally its fine to me either way.  But does anyone else feel it complicates things a bit, or sometimes splits the conversation between the two posts?

    Its none of my business, but you're definitely back in the intel distribution business, posting more original discoveries than x is, it may be worth thinking about.

  5. Daniel Beaudoin​ that assumes Verity Seke​ doesn't prefer to maintain an independent channel. I agree discussion has been fragmented with the new site but it may be assuming too much to think X will turn over the keys to NP.

  6. If Jahan isn't going to exercise caution, imagine what would she have done if she had obtained the artifacts BigMatty obtained from Susanna Moyer?

  7. Mike Wissinger Fair point.  My assumption was that since Loeb had charged Truthseeker (Verity Seke) with the account, it was just as easily his choice to retake it.  To think that x would refuse, would show an interesting assertiveness in its AI.  Furthermore, I guess it's possible that Loeb has undivulged reasons not to take the account back.


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