My sources tell me fragments of this transcript were recovered by Agents taking part in GORUCK Spec Op exercises in...

My sources tell me fragments of this transcript were recovered by Agents taking part in GORUCK Spec Op exercises in Seattle this past weekend. Johnson continues to serve as a voice of almost paranoid concern about the Acolyte and Jahan's fanatical pursuit of the Obsidian Shield.



  1. It is great to see the document in its entirety!

    Here is some of the photos of the #GORUCK pieces recovered for those interested

  2. My theory on how the relation between Klue S.​ and A Detection Algorithm​ was broken is that it was mined and sabotaged to make it fail. After reading this leak, I wonder if it was sabotaged because both group feared another Vesuvian magnus too much to allow a creature neither aligned with the sharper nor with the n'zeer and with enough knowledge of each world to face both.

  3. goodness....another faction emerges. The rogue 13magnus and Anti-Magnus meet on First Saturdays of the months huh? #XfacLove #SweetLoveAmp

  4. Johnson doesn't seem paranoid to me at all. Has H. Richard Loeb forgotten the Kill Switch signal sent during operation Cassandra? We still don't know who or what that was from.

  5. I'm glad to know that even Hank Johnson now questions the existence of "Shapers" by this stage.  There's zero evidence of an entity behind XM's enhancing capabilities, and even those who have been mired in Calvin's from the start are beginning to see the truth.

    Jahan: Or they were destroyed from beyond...

    Johnson: I'll believe that when I see the evidence.

  6. How was Vesuvian Magnus destroyed? Were they at the Vesuvius  eruption that destroyed Pompeii?

    If so, Pliny the Elder, author of the Naturalis Historia (a collection of ancient knowledge like encyclopedia of today) might have had knowledge of them, or been involved. He died attempting research and rescue during the eruption.

    Further a lot of his works were self censored to avoid persecution by Nero during the rein of terror.

     He may have known more than he felt safe writing about.

  7. If it was Vesuvius, eruptions of it's type are a process where intense pressure builds up until the volcano basically pops, but a less natural explosion might have helped it along.

    CM and XM require great care to safety interact or they mutually annihilate and explode. A violent CM/XM tech reaction might have been what popped that balloon.

    Edited to add: Hank Johnson experienced a fearsome CM/XM reaction first hand when he deployed a power cube in  Sheba's ancient  CM mine

  8. A rogue magnus group that worked together... interesting.

  9. Daniel Beaudoin​ sometimes people cross lines when their own side becomes too extreme. Just a thought

  10. Didn't you mean the N'zeer self destruct code?

  11. I want to only add that many of us are in the dark about the history of shapers, nzeer, artifacts etc. If someone could post all the details in some sort of wiki, would be great.


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