It's been kind of a whirlwind, watching the last 24 hours unfold.

It's been kind of a whirlwind, watching the last 24 hours unfold. Over 12,000 of you voiced your opinion in the online poll yesterday, and the vote was split right down the middle. Reliable sources have told me that Dr. Wright and Hank Johnson both spoke privately with Agent BigMatty but chose to remain neutral in terms of guiding his and his fellow Agents' decision. Just a few hours ago, their choice emerged.



  1. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Acolyte is also in question, Is she really who she claims she is. I am ENL but I don't really trust her nor Jahan. lol

  2. This outcome was to be expected. Given the choice as Resistance agents, 99.99% would've given the box to Jahan. And still, I'd like to know more about your conversation with Hank Johnson​, Matt Stevenson​. Did he offer to take the box from you? If so, what were your reasons for not doing so? If not, did he ask you about the contents?

    I'm still standing by my word that giving the box to Hank Johnson​ and a collaboration between 13Magnus and Anti-Magnus would've been the best choice for humanity.

  3. Jahan's offer was not dismissed lightly. Ultimately giving her the tools to define the potential end state of the Obsidian anomaly was deemed too great a risk even with the possibility of a head start.

  4. I just thought it was ... strange ...that Acolyte would say that what she had to offer was less valuable than what Jahan had to offer. This implies that she knows what Jahan was going to offer. And if she did, why not offer the same? Is skew going to withhold that information? That sounds like a bad trade to me.

    For what it's worth, I argued vigorously for open disclosure.

    The discovery of the second key cast doubt on the authenticity of the contents of the box. The only way to know if the artifact is genuine would be to allow both Jahan and Acolyte to see photos, and then see how they change their offers.

    But that chance is gone. You give the artifact to Acolyte and you are sold to her.

    And one last minor quibble: This is the first time that something like this was not shared openly. You might not like the precedent you've set when reciprocity becomes a factor.

  5. Merely delayed, Sarah Rosen​​. As is common practice with volatile information from passcode and goruck I'm sure there will be a reveal once the window of tactical sensitivity closes.

  6. I didn't see or know anything about it.


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