I've obtained declassified versions of IQTech's Anomaly Intel documents for the #IngressObsidian Anomalies on April...

I've obtained declassified versions of IQTech's Anomaly Intel documents for the #IngressObsidian Anomalies on April 2nd. These detailed documents by IQTech Research outline the scoring mechanics and rules for the Obsidian Finale Anomalies, and are a must-read for anyone looking to take part in an Anomaly that day.



  1. Really pleased about the decision to make Vienna playable by increasing the amount of shards at the site to 80, in proportion with the huge amount of players attending

    Good move Niantic​​​

  2. I wouldn't have bet a cent!
    Really good news Niantic​

  3. rogue agent? so what, i can't come play unless i submit to putting other player level accounts in a position of authority over me?

    i'm pretty sick and fed up with other player level accounts telling me when, where and how i am allowed to play

  4. Travis Smith​ we've generally interpreted "rogue agent" in this context to be an in-story way of saying "cheater" or "spoofer". IQTech Research​ or Ingress​ could clarify though.

  5. Join the resistance, we don't have moderators. But rogue agents are probably spoofers

  6. Why are Vienna shards worth less (65 pts) than Orlando shards (100 pts)?

  7. Joris Huijs i'm in too deep for that - but this morning was as close as it comes. i'll delete my agent before switching sides.

  8. Travis Smith what do you mean by "player level accounts"?

  9. Ivan Heffner  Vienna worth 5200 pts, and Orlando is worth 5200 points.  More shards, less points per shard... Less shards, more points per shard. In the end, both sites equal.

  10. Ivan Heffner they increased the shard number due to safety concerns but to keep things equal with the other site each shard is worth less so that the overall points available is the same

  11. Ivan Heffner all primary sites this round were originally announced to be worth 5200 points (52 shards x 100 points per). We are maintaining the parity across primary sites per the original announcement.  Adding more shards, targets, and increasing the play area by working with the factions allowed us to address concerns regarding safety and density.

  12. Ingress​ thank you for a clear answer. We would love to see more of this on other threads and really appreciate it here.

  13. Travis Smith if you're feeling suppressed, it's time to resist. But the most important thing is having fun while playing. Just remember that they can make it difficult for you to play, but not impossible. If enlightened is not your style, but you won't join the resistance, go rogue (or #redfraction), just don't cheat, spoof or kill the game experience for other players!

  14. lol Ingress​​ doing everything they can so ENL could finally win an anomaly. I bet 0 wins for one faction is pretty bad business-wise.

  15. Ingress Could you then explain why Europe has less chances to make an impact in this Obsidian series than America and Asia. Why are the actions of European agents less worthy than everyone elses? I know you are desperate to give ENL an easy win but the disproportionate chances of affecting the score of the series even though Vienna is a lot bigger event than Hamamatsu or Seattle was is disrespectful.


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