I had been wondering when we would hear a reaction from either Jahan or the Acolyte about the choice made by Agent...

I had been wondering when we would hear a reaction from either Jahan or the Acolyte about the choice made by Agent BigMatty and his fellow Enlightened earlier this week. I received this (somewhat scathing) letter from Jahan earlier today, along with a request to publish it.



  1. Well, Jahan, I'm not a real fan or the Acolyte or thinks that she is clean, but those words seem very hash from someone that have worked to lie thousand agents and get them as unwittingly allies to rescue the n'zeer, creature that seem at least as equally shaggy as the shapers, if not worse.
    Then there's the events on Operation restriction 2 that does not seem very clean either.
    And finally if you trust your agent so much, those you lied to get on your side, why is that you were going to sell the information to the other side in exchange of the artifacts?

  2. Hey Jahan, how do we rescue A Detection Algorithm​?

  3. True, Sarah Rosen , for now the best offer A Detection Algorithm  has received to get rescued have come from the Acolyte...

  4. Everyone here wants to rescue A Detection Algorithm so she can stand trial for murder and her other crimes, right? 

    Because otherwise, I am happy that we are being protected from a psychopathic artificial intelligence that has ordered the death of human beings, literally mid-controlled others, possessed the body of a young girl, and then tried to do the same thing to the entire human race

    The complaint about the Acolyte is what? That she's a shut-in on the Pacific coast espousing a philosophy that's hard to understand?

  5. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​​​​ uh.. No. ADA never told Klue what the repercussions of watching the glyphs were. Klue was only told "They were dangerous. You don't want to see them" not "This sequence will roofie your existance from brain allowing PAC to install me into your cerebral cortex so he can get his jollies off by finally dating me without everyone being creeped out every time they walk into his cubical and spot him kissing his computer monitor."

    You are assuming that Jahan and anti-magnus did not infiltrate Jarvis's cabana. Seriously, everyone knew of its existence so it wouldn't be too hard of a job to pull.

  6. Mario Valenzuela II No. Klue S.​ went to A Detection Algorithm​ for the purpose of infiltrating A Detection Algorithm​ and to discover or create an exploitable vulnerability. She did her job.

  7. Sarah Rosen You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Is there a shred of evidence to support this claim?

  8. Brandon Downey Watch the videos and pay attention to who is speaking. All of the evil attributed to A Detection Algorithm​ is actually spoken by Klue S.​ Furthermore, the proof of Klue S.​'s independence is where A Detection Algorithm​ asks her, "How did you have this thought without me knowing it."

    You've run headlong down the garden path with enthusiasm in your rush to blame the "evil AI". The fact is that ADA has been the only honest broker in this whole mess and she was framed up for it.

  9. Unless by "honest broker" you mean "assassin", and "mind controller", but there you go again making up your own words!

    No, but really, denial of reality to make your side look better is charmingly loyal, but sadly intellectually dishonest.

  10. Brandon Downey Wow! You watched all 6 videos in seconds! At least try.

  11. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​ she didn't know the sequence; she thought she knew what it was and contacted ADA for verification. As far as we know the sequence in her mind could have been "Buy Hint Water. Use Zip car."

    Also, there is a possibility that the "Shaper destruction code" is a N'Zeer glyph sequence. Remember, OLW called the N'Zeer were another "Shaper civilization" prior to their reveal. This is extremely likely since it was ADA (who is N'Zeer influenced) that delivered the sequence to Klue.


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