Agents, I pulled out every contact I could muster, including sources at all three major XM corporations, Felicia...

Agents, I pulled out every contact I could muster, including sources at all three major XM corporations, Felicia Hajra-Lee (who is currently working on a project about what happened around the Darsana Point) and asked them all a single question: What do we know about the Acolyte and Jahan. Today, I’ll share what I’ve learned about the Acolyte.



  1. H. Richard Loeb​, really? You post a response from a Resistance agent then continue to wave your Resistance bias by claiming the lie that the Acolyte is the "leader" of the Enlightened?

    Don't perpetuate the same machinations of Jahan by lying about your opponents and calling it fact.

  2. That's an interesting level of detail for sometime that we don't know a name of, didn't you get even the family name? If you are following her money, that is normally associated to it.

  3. Thank you for pulling all of that together PAC

  4. A home-schooled religious zealot trust-fund baby who knows nothing of the real world. Great choice, toads.

  5. Sarah Rosen​ because you 'chose' a megalomaniacal nut job as your leader right?

  6. Interesting to hear that she was instrumental in founding the Jarvis Center for Enlightenment. I wonder if Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ was more representative of Roland Jarvis​'s personal goals all along?

  7. Jarvis did have his own personal issues with ADA after the whole having him killed thingy so his SETAI stance is somewhat understandable.

    The Acolyte appears to be more receptive to working with ADA at least and has sought to open dialogue.

  8. Wow, that was a lot more info than I was expecting.  Nice work, H. Richard Loeb.

  9. H. Richard Loeb To add to the information on Jahan, I'd like to add this thought from Edgar Allan Wright: 

    I believe I can shed some light on Devra and Jahan.  When I first viewed Jahan, she looked familiar, but I did not know where from.  I now believe that she participated in Devra's researches at UCLA in a summer program on Transdimensional Communications.  While most 'dialtone' communication was focused on Extraterrestrial Intelligence, a Quantum Scientist was involved in this event.  I believe Stein Lightman might have been present for all or some of the seminar.  But it does not seem that he remembers Jahan, so I could be wrong.  Not all memories have recompiled yet.

  10. I just don't understand how we can know enough to call on her parents friends accounts of her at Dinner parties and that they were both PhDs but not know her real name.

  11. Ana Prados​​​​ is right, so cough up those additional facts, and stop with the heavy handed bias H. Richard Loeb​​.

  12. Ok, so we have all this information and we do not know her name? We know (nearly) everything about her parents - except their names? This seems very strange to me, H. Richard Loeb

  13. We decided this information is worth translating, so here's a Russian translation/adaptation of this post for anyone interested:
    I hope it's cool with you, H. Richard Loeb  :)
    Мы запилили русский перевод этого поста, читайте и наслаждайтесь:

  14. Perhaps the most unsettling thing about the Acolyte is the one thing that we know about her for sure, her alias.

    If she is indeed aiming to work alongside the Shapers in bettering mankind, why call herself THE Acolyte? Are we, the Enlightened, not aiming for the same goal? To bring forth the influence of the Shapers to benefit our species?

    Additionally, "acolyte" as I've seen it used denotes a sense of followership, not partnership as this article indicates as her likely goal.

    Considering that Jahan has already begun to ruffle the feathers of some of the Resistance, I would not be surprised to something similar happen with us, the Enlightened, and The Acolyte; where our apparently similar interests will begin to pull away from each other. These two, Jahan and the Acolyte, are echoes of old societies from a world we only have scraps of knowledge and speculation about. There is an underlying machine to their motives and something frankly does not feel right...


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