Agents around the world - in Japan, Italy, the United States, Malta, Germany, France, India and Russia worked...

Agents around the world - in Japan, Italy, the United States, Malta, Germany, France, India and Russia worked together over the weekend to help recover these words from the Acolyte.



  1. Curious to ask, H. Richard Loeb: When are we getting that dossier on Jahan?

    If Edgar Allan Wright was correct in his information about her(seen here:, could Stein Lightman divulge more information on her, considering he even recalls the event?

  2. H. Richard Loeb​ also why Stein Lightman​ feels so inclined to help Jahan? And he does have some curious information about his self's past...

  3. Josias Baez I believe that Marius H Tronstad had an excellent response to that: 

    "Lightman was shifted to the Resistance way of thinking during the Persepolis anomaly. He lost his memory and doesn't have the experience of that to go on. It makes him susceptible to her arguments, thus she is more likely to be able to influence him in her favor."

  4. The Russian word for "house" is дом and is pronounced "Dome" ... just a coincidence.

  5. Yik Sheng Lee It's not that difficult or complicated. There is only one dome: The dome of the heavens. All of the others are simulacra.

  6. Mario G.​ is getting on the covers! Let's give this guy a role in the story! He is everywhere 😂.

  7. I founded the media on Granada Cathedral two hours prior to David Duran, why is he on the agents list and not me? :-/

  8. Brian Peterson​ harsh! You were robbed

  9. Enligthened get the media from Granada in first place

  10. Meanwhile, in the real world... Arindhur Templar (ENL Granada) hacked the media 2h before. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...

  11. Arindhur Templar right, you was first. BUT, you don't shared it to all the public, so not all the people was informed. Maybe next time you will get the honor :D

  12. Mati JZ
    I republished that on Ingress page.I do not know what more should i be done!

  13. H. Richard Loeb Which agent went to the Taj Mahal?

  14. Vicki Ellen​​​, as Paul Siu​​​ pointed out in his post, social media is hard. I had no selfie, and I guess I was supposed to tag H. Richard Loeb​​​ in my post?

    H. Richard Loeb​​​, Paul, Laura Fox​​​, and I all arrived at Adler Planetarium and hacked effectively simultaneously. I posted about it here (moments before Paul did):

    Call it a draw?

  15. The dead drop envelopes have "Post to Twitter with #whatever" written on them in big permanent marker. If only there was some digital way to display instructional text to a player who hacks media that is supposed to be reshared to public G+ in a very particular way...

  16. Muzirian മുസിരിയൻ Basically Niantic​ would have released the clues anyway, and just sent agents on a wild goose chase over nothing. Good job Ingress​.

  17. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect  I agree that the speaker of the previous conversation with Stein Lightman is unknown at this point.

    However, the quote from Marius H Tronstad I put up, in my opinion, could suffice as to a reason why it would be Jahan on the other end. 
    Regarding LIghtman, the idea that he would eventually somehow play a role for the Resistance after they captured his Shards during the #Persepolis  Anomalies is finally coming around.

    The fact of the speaker stating that the Acolyte will soon be gaining the arrowheads is for me a very important one: The list of people who would want Lightman's knowledge in regards to the Obsidian Shield and refer to the Acolyte's obtaining of the Arrowheads isn't a big one. I'd put Jahan as my #1 on that list. I'm more than certain soon we'll hear for sure whether it was her or not.

  18. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Very interesting list of individuals you've presented.

    As for Luma, we know next to nothing on this individual. Matt Stevenson may be capable of divulging more if possible but she's a complete enigma.  If she's got motives, we don't know them yet. 

    I think the speaker is Jahan primarily because of the strategic nature of the conversation: After all, she was unable to convince Matt to give her the Artifacts from Seattle and the Resistance are behind in the Obsidian Series. For her, it's a wonderful countermove against the Acolyte and the Shapers.

  19. Enhorabuena David Durán por llegar primero a pie y conseguir el media


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