Agent thedeacon1972, a Resistance Agent, had a fairly strong reaction to the letter from Jahan that I shared...

Agent thedeacon1972, a Resistance Agent, had a fairly strong reaction to the letter from Jahan that I shared yesterday. His open response to her is worth reading. He brings to surface some of the issues that have led to a fracturing of the Resistance ideology, in particular its increasingly close association to the N'zeer.



  1. By "fracturing" you mean there is jahan and then there is literally everyone else....

  2. The resistance fights for a cause, which is humanity, #IfightforPhilley there is no Jahan faction or side.

  3. The enemy of my enemy is my friend ... until she becomes my enemy. I'll work with anyone as long as it furthers the goal of an independent humanity that chooses is own path, and allows the same choice to others. Cross that line and I'll fight you.

  4. I'd be interested to see the deacon talk this out with N'Zeer supporter Drew Dondero​.

  5. Who's Jahan, and when am I meant to be N'zeer some kind of fracturing? Did I miss a memo somewhere?

  6. Seem like the enlightened and the resistance share a common question: do we trust our self proclaimed leaders.

    With the recent information we've all received about the acolyte and the contents of this letter to Jahan - I sense something amiss.

    Jahan we know to be something more than human, the acolyte I'm confident is as well - and these paths they are following... Feel deep and well tread.. I'm more concerned for both our factions that these powerful individuals are just taking us thru the same motions that the ancients did.

    I'm less conserved with how this will effect the Resistance: the Agents themselves appear to be fighting to resist any outside influence on humanity..those I've spoken with that fight with passion say it is because they want our evolution to be ours. If they continue to hold that in their hearts than perhaps they will stop allowing the N'zeer to shape them, and Jahan to shape them...

    As for my follow Enlightened agents, I worry more.. The acolytes actions leave us too many questions, and we are seekers of knowledge - for without it how shall we continue to push our evolution. And of the shapers: the collective who's messages we receive openly.. They are our allies in the sense that we have found them to have been with us since our earliest attempts at civilization, and we've chosen to lend them an ear.

    Our biggest difference from the resistance, is potentially our greatest weakness..

    Our openness to the messages of the shapers, of the XM, of the portals and the connections they represent, may cause us to follow unquestionably.. If we forget that we are really truth seekers driven to enlightenment.

    So I beg the resistance to do what they do best: fight against any outside influence just do so with open eyes, and see your true enemies.

    My follow enlightened I urge you to lead instead of follow. Take all that we can learn and push forward, bring with you a shield of questions and demand the truth, and we will find the key to our enlightenment.

  7. Steven Curley More than human? I know of no such evidence.

  8. Sarah Rosen a bold statement yes - perhaps it's what Jahan has shown us with her ability to interact with XM. She is very much more than a sensitive..

    Perhaps I'm giving her more credit than is deserved.


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