A source sent this surveillance transcript my way earlier today.

A source sent this surveillance transcript my way earlier today. One of the speakers is clearly Hank Johnson, and I have a pretty confident guess on the other speaker as well. Let me know who you think it is in the comments, let's see if we're on the same page...



  1. I'm pretty sure that is the Acolyte on the other side, but there are more interesting thing on that text, Hank Johnson is reticent to put himself on the group with her, but he does it anyway. That is something that he never did with Roland Jarvis. The second part is his vision of the sharpers, an enemy of my enemy, no his allies.
    That let me wonder if this is as 13magnus leader or just Hank Johnson.
    And if it is as 13Magnus leader, what was/is their quest? And what are the string that he is speaking about?

  2. If I had to give an answer quickly I would say Acolyte. However, something about the tone he has taken gives me pause on that, as he's a bit abrupt. Of course, that does fit with his strong personality...

  3. Definitely Hank Johnson​ was reaching the acolyte...

  4. My first thought was The Acolyte too... But it would be awesome if Mazz was still alive..

  5. CM is dangerous stuff.  Could Vesuvius have been the equivalent of an industrial accident?  The Anazktec have a legend that their ancestors once built great things but were punished for their pridefulness with a loss of that knowledge.  Accounting for a few generations of oral history that might describe the destruction of infrastructure through careless inattention.

  6. What was once coined the "shaper" civilization self destruct code may never have been Shaper in origin to begin with.  Or if this "destruct code" isn't from any sort of trandimensional species, perhaps it is the result of utilizing XM outside of the Shaper's path.  Weaponization of XM seems to be a human trait more than anything.  It could be this mistake that erases civilizations rather than a N'zeer or Shaper mandate

  7. Not quite.  I'm stating there are multiple possibilities.  There's no need to make sanctimonious comments.

    However, I can concede that Dr. Devra Bogdanovich is a bastion of the Resistance movement and it's a shame that her ideals aren't held in higher esteem within the faction.

  8. Right, and in my personal opinion, at least for a while, it was deservingly so.  Violating her own code of ethics with human experimentation upon unknowing subjects within Visur Technology, even causing death in some, then attempting to push a cataclysmic involuntary "inoculation" on the entire human race that could have wiped out a fifth of the population drastically scarred her reputation.  Which could be why many started to look to A Detection Algorithm as a figure head.

    That being said, I believe that was a learning period for her, and it was within the rise of ADA that her abilities as a quantum biologist, and Resistance leader was truly able to shine.  As far as the original humanist Resistance maxim goes, her Portal Virus was the most fruitful and respectable attempt to stave off the transdimensional ingression.  Truly cutting off the worlds supply of XM, starving portals, and also cutting off ADA's ability to hack the minds of millions through XM in order to use them for her own processing desires.  Honestly, for that alone she should be deemed a hero by both factions.

    It is unfortunate that ADA's influence along with Klue S.'s popularity continued to outshine her.  Along with the uprising of Jahan and Anti-Magnus which seemed to further muddy the waters of the humanist goal.

    To me, it seems there is a notable asymmetry between the relationships of 13MAGNUS and the Enlightened, and Anti-Magnus and the Resistance.  While the missions of 13MAGNUS and the Enlightened are able to coincide well along side one another, it would seem to me that the missions of Anti-Magnus and the Resistance are not.  Despite what Ingress would have the masses believe.  (I am not convinced that Ken Owens no longer has influence there.)  I say this because the desire of Anti-Magnus to bring in even more extra-dimensional species and influence into human society goes against what was once a strong conviction of the Resistance to free humanity from all outside manipulation.

    Though I personally believe in the Enlightened movement, to be as frank and neutral as I can be, I believe that the modern Resistance should turn away from backing ADA, Jahan, and the Anti-Magnus, and go back to supporting Devra Bogdanovich and her work on eradicating XM influence altogether in order to create a future where humans can decide there own fate, free of XM entities, for better or for worse.

  9. Yes, there was a secretly recorded video of a conversation between her and Hank Johnson.  https://goo.gl/5H59Bs  There may be some paper documents out there that reference her experiments there too, but this was easiest to find.

    Watch all three of the serires, it's an intriguing conversation for sure.  Some of the first speculation of multiple XM entities.


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