There was mention of something called 'The Reason Foundation' in yesterday's Felicia Hajra-Lee post.

There was mention of something called 'The Reason Foundation' in yesterday's Felicia Hajra-Lee post.

It's driving me nuts. I know I've seen that name before... Many times, in fact, in intelligence circles... but I can't remember where... It's a mental block unlike anything I've felt before.

Is there anything we know about the Reason Foundation? Anything we can deduce? I've got to figure out why the name sounds so familiar...


  1. H. Richard Loeb​ do you think that this could be related to your night of compulsive coding, the one that you don't remember anything about either?

  2. Have you considered the fact that it might be a super PAC? Pun intended.

  3. Fantasy abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters: united with her, she is the mother of the arts and the origin of their marvels.

  4. Another Romantic Artist: Goya "El sueño de la razón produce monstruos" 
    He produced it as part of 80"Caprichos" "moods" inspired by XM maybe, like the drawing of Tycho? Or are they Breadcrumbs like Hank Johnsons?

    Maybe this will be Calvins Breadcrumbs?

  5. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect it's not italian. Is spanish. And it is not reason in my opinion. The meaning of "razón" in this case is judgment or sense.

  6. It's an anagram for "death of treason union" :)

  7. It seems the monsters are back. #AntiMagnus

  8. This is the 43rd print of 80 paintings that are related with the human wims and it was created from 1799 to 1799.

  9. The meaning of the title, El sueño de la razon produce monstruos, has been debated, mainly because sueño can mean both sleep and dream. Known as a pintor filósofo, Goya may have intended to affirm the Enlightenment by saying that when reason sleeps, the imagination produces monsters resulting in madness. Or, he may have implied that reason alone without imagination leads to madness, even horror. Goya's favorite literary character Don Quixote is a good illustration of imagination without reason.

    The symbolism of the animals in the picture supports the ambiguity of Goya's vision. The lynx is a symbol of secrets, known for its strong vision and hearing. The lynx and the bat carry supernatural, even satanic significance, but can represent good. The owl may indicate wisdom. But the owl, cat, and bat also stand for depression or melancholy. The large bat with the goat face in the upper right denotes a satanic element, as the goat is identified with the devil, see, for example, Goya's painting, The Witches' Sabbath (1797-98). Baudelaire said of Los Caprichos: "All those distortions, those bestial faces, those diabolic grimaces of his are impregnated with humanity" (Ciofalo, pp. 64-65).

    Goya produced two other, similar drawings, part of a series called sueños (dreams) which became Los Caprichos (The Whims). He juxtaposes the real and the demonic in several other works, such as De Que Mal Morira? (Of What Illness Will He Die?) and Las Viejas (see annotations). For comparison with other classic works that comment on the link between depression, sleep, and devilish temptation, see Dürer, Melencholia I and The Temptation of the Idler (The Dream of the Doctor). For Goya's interest in mental illness, see  Courtyard with Lunatics .

  10. There is many double meaning on that phrase:
    Razon is used for both reason and judgment or sense in Spanish. Also sueño can be understood as dream or sleep.
    This drawing was part of a set of 80, that the author draw to safely criticize his society. Specially the ones that were more privileged. I would suggest to try and use google translator on the Spanish entry of both this drawing and the whole series on general, as it's more complete and gives more background  that the English one. I will put the links here:

  11. She cosponsored Warratah through a front organization. She would have met several researchers there. Maybe Calvin even? He had a similar cover group funding "Nondemarcated Science" before then.

    Edgar Allan Wright​ does this connection clear anything up about that period?

  12. which volume of the Niantic files is the agenda scrap in?


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