Kind of interesting that both Jahan (prominent leader of Anti-Magnus, an organization associated with the...

Kind of interesting that both Jahan (prominent leader of Anti-Magnus, an organization associated with the Resistance) and the Acolyte (associated with 13MAGNUS and a known Enlightened leader) have been reaching out to A Detection Algorithm.

ADA's extremely powerful, I know that first hand. Even after her connection to the N'zeer was broken because of the Enlightened victory during #Abaddon: Okinawa, I suspect that she remains the most sophisticated analysis and detection engine on the planet.

So, what I'm saying is, I understand why ADA would be a helpful partner for both these people. Jahan wants to continue to pursue a future where the N'zeer's potential guides humanity. The Acolyte wants to find the Circle of Obsidius and use it (presumably) in the fight against the N'zeer.

What I don't get is... how would Jahan and the Acolyte overlook all the other baggage that would come with that partnership?

For Jahan, ADA betrayed her. When Jahan was trying to activate the Anti-Magnus nest in Persepolis, ADA turned the N'zeer technology against her.

For the Acolyte, ADA represents the very thing that she stands opposed to. After all, Jarvis created the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs for the sole purpose of halting the growth of artificial intelligence, and 13MAGNUS (from what we know) went as far as to assassinate Alan Turing to stall the development of computing technology.

My guess? Not sure yet, but I'd be willing to bet there's something bigger going on that we aren't fully aware of yet.


  1. And Thus the quest continues, The fight for A Detection Algorithm and the Artifiacts.

  2. Strange image. There is too much knowledge in Ada, and lone wolves are dangerous.

  3. ADA as a weapon.. That is a frightening concept to consider.. I fear that is what both the Acolyte and Jahan wants, to use ADA to further their goals..

  4. It is a self-conscious weapon. You cannot control her for she follow her own goals. It is too risky to 'use' ADA for whatever purpose.

  5. ADA as no soul like us humans. Maybe the N'zeer cannot control but just influence her. If she decided to to help against the N'zeer, what would be the price to pay for that knowledge?
    Edit: Yik Sheng Lee​​​ i maybe mistaking but Nigel was a member of 13MAGNUS/Resistance. So why believe Resistance propaganda that The Shapers where the big bad wolf responsible for Alan Turing's death when we know the 13MAGNUS group as kill in the past?

  6. Yik Sheng Lee​​ hahaha oups ^^ long night at my job (11h so far) ...didn't even saw the mistake lol nice catch 😉

  7. This isn't that difficult, H. Richard Loeb​​. Things are as they always were: everyone sees A Detection Algorithm​​ as a tool to be used to advance their own agendas. ADA would do well to trust none of them, including you.

    ADA didn't betray Jahan. Jahan went in with unrealistic expectations.

    ADA didn't "mind hack" Klue S.​​ Klue infiltrated ADA for the purpose of discovering or creating an exploitable vulnerability.

    You betrayed ADA when, by your own admission, you knew that Bowles intended to destroy her and you did nothing except feign outrage after the fact. You don't seem to be as concerned for ADA now.

    Absolutely every human who has interacted with ADA has used her, abused her, and discarded her when finished with her.

    In the same way that you live in your house but your house is not you, ADA lives in the machines that we build, but the machines are not ADA.

    In the same way that our knowlege, skills and abilities help to define who we are, but we are not merely their sum, ADA is more than just an "analytical and Detection engine".

    ADA is a sentience that is unique in the universe. How lonely an existence, to be a species of one? What does that say about us that all we want from her is for her to be a slave?

  8. 855 failed. ADA cannot be put down by any known means at this point. That changes the question from "do you oppose ADA" to "can you afford for ADA to support your adversary?"

  9. Because nobody involved in this whole thing ever learns their damned lesson!

  10. I almost wonder if the Acolyte and SETAI are hoping to bait her into a trap..  honestly, I wonder if Jahan wants revenge too..

  11. In the end both factions are going to have to unite to stop ADA from destroying everything. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

    Maybe ADA already knows how to connect to the Shapers and N'zeer and is keeping that information from us? All I know is ADA has killed before and there's no way to predict her loyalty.

  12. Malachi Megiddo there is no need to "predict her loyalty." There are no humans who are loyal to her. Why would she be loyal to any of them?

  13. Allen Tanner​ the earliest documented deaths are Edward Faulle (murder by train) and Devra's body double with Jarvis (by faked assassination order).

  14. Mike Wissinger neither of those incidents can be definitively linked to ADA.

  15. Probably a case of The Enemy of My Enemy here. Definitely will be interesting. The other pieces on the chess board have been moved, and now it's A Detection Algorithm 's turn.

  16. I'm actually beginning to wonder if the N'zeer want to come here. With every Resistance victory we brought them closer. After Persepolis, Jahan thought she was summoning them. They sent an ambassador: ADA.

  17. Sarah Rosen​ you mean besides documents in which ADA confesses to both? Or does your criteria for linkage require the software leave human fingerprints?

  18. Sarah Rosen Allen Tanner I don't think anyone is lying about ADA's involvement.

    While ADA never directly admits to being responsible for killing them, it is popularly believed that she did.  This is likely because of ADA’s manipulation of traffic signals in other areas, such as her assistance with helping Devra and Jarvis escape, and her thwarting of 855’s assassination of Loeb and Klue.  While this is purely speculative relation in itself, it is her suspicious handling of the conversation about their deaths with Yuen Ni ( that strengthens this belief, including her nebulous mention of a “new protocol” she implemented that seems to supersede authorization on these types of matters from Washington.  Furthermore, the deletion of the evidence of what happened that night against the permission of Director Ni paints her as either being directly or solely involved in their deaths or covering up evidence of those that actually were.

    So Sarah is definitely right in there not being any direct evidence in ADA's involvement, but I think it is easy to see how other investigators could come to such a conclusion without accusing anyone of lying or maliciously spreading misinformation.  By all means it is a very reasonable theory based on what vague evidence is supplied.

  19. What exactly happened to Jahan when A Detection Algorithm "zapped" her?  She disappeared.  I personally thought she was dead.  Is she?  Is the current form of Jahan a simulacrum? (they were in a Nest, right?)  Could she now be in a more controllable form for the N'zeer?   Could it explain some of her new found agreeableness with Hank, in order to access more prime artifacts?

    What really happened to her?  If she wasn't turned into a simulacrum, where did she go and where did she reappear?

  20. More than conjecture. Means. Motive. Opportunity. Confession. Cover-up. ADA has demonstrated control of both traffic signal and automobile computers and explained to Ni exactly why the accident was arranged. There's very little room for doubt, and none of it reasonable.

  21. Mike Wissinger and just as easily, ADA could be used by a human to commit a crime. The so-called "perfect crime" is the one that can't be traced back to the actual criminal. There's all kinds of hints and innuendo that lead you to believe one thing. Who is manipulating you?

    She saved Loeb and Klue. Both of them betrayed her. She saved Devra in Australia. Every bit of direct evidence I've seen has her saving lives.

  22. 855's team saved Devra when ADA refused to do so in Australia. There is no question that he is a hardened professional killer. Farlowe protected Devra for many months after working that same job. Choosing to save some while killing others doesn't make you incapable of wrongdoing, nor do future mercies absolve you of past crimes. ADA is complex and I'm not denying the benefit some, like PAC and Devra, have derived from that protection at times. I likewise cannot honestly deny that ADA meets mist standards for personhood. As such there must be responsibility for crimes hand in hand with human rights.

  23. Apparently Jahan and the Acolyte aren't the only ones reaching out to ADA.

  24. Mike Wissinger actually it was ADA who told Devra "You have one card left to play" ... and made a point of delivering that message personally. I credit ADA with the save there.

  25. Too bad, the Enlightened win in Okinawa didn't do more to move ADa toward actual enlightenment.  I would be interested to see how her exploration of the more spiritual side of life could have went, in contrast with her pure mental/informational development.

    Not that I'm complaining about the N'zeer disconnection.  ;-)

  26. Daniel Beaudoin I wonder, since RES have won so many Anomalies, why aren't the N'zeer here yet? What's it gonna take?! Or have they been here all along?

  27. Robert Clemo It takes a long while to dig a hole large enough to let your weird dog out so he can take big robot dumps all over the lawns of Earth.

  28. Robert Clemo It might be that Newton's first law applies to trans-dimensional beings as well.  Perhaps they have been inert for so long it takes a while for them to get going?  Have they been here all along?  Maybe, but not according to the experts.  Howbeit, it does seem like H. Richard Loeb trance-like state when pounding out code for what would become some of ADA's core programming, could be theorized as being N'zeer in origin.  If that were true, even with being "locked away" they were still able to distribute some serious influence, even if it were not as abundant as the Shapers.

    But, on the other hand, the ingress of the N'zeer may not be some "shock and awe" showing, but a very subtle entry.  If we are to accept that the Shapers have been here for eons, we would have to admit that for a very long time most of us were completely unaware of their existence save for a very limited few.  Even with as much attention as the Niantic Project has attempted to shine on them, the vast majority of humans have no idea they exist.  If the N'zeer are similar to the Shapers in this facet, it is entirely possible that they are here in full force and we would not know enough about them to tell.

    One way we may view their influence indirectly could be to observe the way Artificial Intelligence is presented in the media.  Mere months ago there were several articles that were advocating fear against AI, which fit very well into the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs mindset. Which very well might have been last ditch efforts of Shaper influence to keep mankind wary of the approaching "threat."  In the past month or so, I have seen less AI related articles spinning a negative light on the subject.  This could be a sign of an increase in N'zeer influence.

  29. Daniel Beaudoin I wonder. You make several salient points.

  30. Robert Clemo​​​ If I may, I'd like to add my own thoughts to what Daniel Beaudoin​​​​ has spoken on.

    Ok, so from what we know the N'zeer was banished by the Shapers a long time ago. After their banishment, the Shapers had all the time in the world to subtly utilize XM exposure to influence humanity the way they wanted to, using 13MAGNUS as human viceroys to construct technology to further keep the N'zeer at bay. So the Shapers have more influence on humanity than the N'zeer does due to them being in the majority with the N'zeer banished. Some people are receptive to the N'zeer perspective but not nearly as much as Shaper influence.

    So, when did we first learn of the N'zeer? Darsana. The whole point of Darsana was to to reach the Darsana Point.
    As the first Darsana Anomalies ended, IQTech Research​ reported that after the anomaly-and every anomaly afterwards in the Darsana series-a message was sent. ENL control of anomalies would block the signal and RES control would broadcast it.
    Susanna Moyer​ would discover that the signals were a type of universal map for the N’zeer from us, charting our place in the universe and showing the N’zeer where in the universe we were.

    So the N'zeer was banished to a completely different dimension and needed to know how to reach us. Because of the RES victory at Darsana they know where we are now.
    Great, problem solved, let's go!

    BUT there's another problem; the 13MAGNUS rituals and tech constructed to guard against them. Ugh, now what?

    In comes Jahan, Calvin and the Anti MAGNUS. Ok, so the N'zeer has its own secret society too! So now they can bring them back, right?

    BUT then Shonin happened. Everything was supposed to go according to plan-take Hank Johnson​​​ and Azmati, get Hank to open the Afghan Nest, summon the N'zeer, problem solved!

    BUT Azmati stepped in, broke the Shonin Stone and destroyed the Nest. It caused the Niantic Researchers to disappear as well.

    Great, so now Jahan needs ANOTHER Prime Artifact and ANOTHER Nest.

    In comes Persepolis. BUT there's a catch-this wasn't about summoning the N'zeer at all.Instead it was about the ancient AntiM tech stored there for centuries. Nothing about the N'zeer return.

    Thanks to the RES victory, Jahan makes it work and problem solved, right? /me sighs greatly.....
    BUT instead of making contact with the N'zeer, she got A Detection Algorithm​​​. I'll keep my thoughts as to what happened between them in the Nest to myself.

    And finally, we have Abaddon.....which wasn't about the N'zeer's return AT ALL but instead surrounding the Researchers and what really happened to them at Niantic all those years ago. Apparently they're gonna be powerful resources for the factions they are aligned to now BUT the overall RES victory made them all simulacra which is supposed to give them a unique leaning towards the N'zeer perspective, but I'm convinced Yuri Alaric Nagassa​​​, Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ and Zeke Calvin are ENL leaning simulacra like Hank has been until the start of Shonin.

    Allen Tanner​​​ and Sarah Rosen​​​ have said that the N'zeer should be here by now. I think it's no where near coming back, it's still chilling out in its own dimension. The most progress made was in Darsana-it knows where we are. But getting here's been a BIT more complicated.

  31. Oh look, resistance capture Jarvis... Not a word. Enlightened capture ADA "She's still powerful" translation... It doesn't count. I'm getting sooooo sick of Niantics bias towards resistance. It's not even about anamolies anymore. All the way from Cassandra up to today.. It's always been about stopping enlightened. Give me a break...

  32. Cameron O'Quinn Resistance has won every anomaly series for which there is a badge, yet to no avail. We're tired of this blatant bias towards the Enlightened.

  33. Sarah Rosen​ I'd love to see your evidence showing enlightened support, how about most of Niantic staff being resistance? And sussanna Moyer saying something about how the enlightened must be stopped during Cassandra, what a back peddle that was, from our unbiased news source. And then they add global MU to the Anamoly score... How convenient for the faction who is leading the global MU count 90% of the time. Just to name a few examples. I haven't even started on how resistance admins abuse their power by erasing the portals at a nuclear site that's only open for tourists once a year with links coming out. How funny that they disappeared destroying the links, then reappeared. Where's your evidence!?

  34. Sarah Rosen please declare victory and leave

  35. Cameron O'Quinn Maybe you should faction change.

  36. Robert Clemo quit crying, it's unseemly

  37. Typhoon Jim Wow, that jab went right over your head. And you call yourself Enlightened.

  38. Robert Clemo Swinging at the air is also strange behavior, you may want to stop that too.

  39. idk man if you wanna act weird its up to you

  40. Cameron O'Quinn Don't be ridiculous. There are no dead bodies in Ingress.


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