The last of the #Abaddon Anomalies are almost here, so I wanted to talk about where we stand today.

The last of the #Abaddon Anomalies are almost here, so I wanted to talk about where we stand today.
I figured I would try to tell the story of #Abaddon from the beginning. Kind of a challenge, but I'm up for it...
Most folks know about the Niantic Project: A group of artists and scientists thrown together in a high-intensity think tank sponsored by the NIA in order to study the effects of Exotic Matter. Most folks also know that Ezekiel Calvin, an NIA Field Operative, was largely responsible for its creation.
During the course of the Project, the Ingress Scanner app was developed, as well as many of the primary XM objects in use today like Resonators and XMPs. We also learned about Shaper Glyphs, Chaotic Matter and the mind-enhancing/mind-altering power of XM. The project ended after things spun out of control: the Ingress Scanner app leaked to the public, one of Lynton-Wolfe's Power Cube tests ended in disaster, Devra and Jarvis tried to escape the facility and Jarvis was shot by two NIA operatives. In short, a royal mess.
That understanding of the Niantic Project is true, but now we've learned that there was something deeper, and darker, at play as well. That's the secret that has only come out during #Abaddon.
So it turns out the Ezekiel Calvin knew a hell of a lot more about XM before the Niantic Project began. He knew about 13MAGNUS and Anti-Magnus: ancient forces that had been preserving the ritual knowledge of XM for millennia and trying to use it to influence history and enhance the power of the Shapers or the N'zeer (respectively). He knew about Simulacra -- XM-based 'replicas' of people that can functionally live forever. He knew about Prime Artifacts, ancient objects that contain hidden XM technology of a sophistication we are only beginning to fathom. And he knew about Magnus-Nests, the places where those Artifacts can be activated (like the 13MAGNUS cave in Afghanistan, or the ruins beneath Persepolis).
It turns out, what Calvin was really trying to do during the Niantic Project was study and exploit the power of Simulacra and create his own Magnus-Nest. It's looking pretty likely at this point that each of the researchers at Niantic was, at some point in the Project, forcibly turned into a Simulacrum without them even knowing.
Why did he do this? Probably to shift the balance of power back to Anti-Magnus and the N'zeer and to bring to an end what (in his point of view) had been a dark-ages that had haunted mankind for thousands of years -- to start an era of fast technological progress and enhanced awareness of the universe.
Or maybe he did it because he wanted to consolidate a tremendous amount of power all to himself. Honestly, I don't know.
So, after Niantic, all the researchers were Simulacra -- XM beings connected to the Portal Network. We probably wouldn't have found out if Jahan hadn't gone to the 13MAGNUS cave in Afghanistan with Hank Johnson and Azmati as her prisoners.
Hank and Azmati made a move against Jahan there, and during the course of the fight, a piece of technology called the Shōnin Stone was activated. A massive XM explosion took place and reverberated around the world.
And the next thing we knew, all the researchers were Shards of consciousness trapped in the Portal Network.
Agents around the world have been fighting to control and unify those XM Shards -- rebuilding the minds of the Researchers (and influencing them along the way) for almost a year now, and that struggle is about to come to an end.
Nine have been fought and won:
Devra Bogdanovich- Resistance
Stein Lightman - Resistance
Misty Hannah - Resistance
Yuri Alaric Nagassa - Enlightened
Enoch Dalby - Resistance
Carrie Campbell - Resistance
Oliver Lynton-Wolfe - Enlightened
Victor Kureze - Resistance
Martin Schubert - Resistance
Three remain:
Roland Jarvis
Ezekiel Calvin himself.
On December 12th, the fate of the those last 3 will be decided, but the story doesn't end there.
Right now, if intel reports are to be believed, Hank Johnson and Jahan (enemies thrown together by circumstance) are working to recover a Prime Artifact that they think will lead them to -- and unlock -- #Abaddon.
My best guess is that #Abaddon is a secret place (a Magnus-Nest) where Calvin performed the ritual that turned the Niantic researchers into Simulacra -- and it's where the real bodies of the Niantic Researchers are probably being stored.
Together, Hank and Jahan hope to bring these researchers back into our reality -- maybe as humans, if the Enlightened prevail in #Abaddon -- maybe as simulacra, if the Resistance prevail -- but physical and walking the earth either way.
That's the challenge they've set for themselves, and personally I hope they succeed. Returned, and changed by the actions of the Agents over the last year, these researchers will have a major impact on the research that will take place (and the balance of power) in the future.
So. Any questions? Let me know and I'll try and answer them for you, or maybe one of the Operation Essex investigators can step in and help you out.
P. A. Chapeau
So basically, to be Enlightened is human, to be Resistance is to be a controlled copy. Man, you guys really got duped.
ReplyDeleteResistance is facsimile.
ReplyDeleteWhat other Prime Artifacts are out there? Do we have any clues where to look for them in the human history?
ReplyDeleteSo to fight for humanity, you must #resist the #Resistance.
ReplyDeleteThat must sting.
Oh how the tables have turned.. Resistance wins, humanity loses
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb I do have a question for you. Given that "neutral" isn't an option in an all out struggle for humanity, which side of this divide do you fall on? Enlightened or Resistance?
ReplyDeleteIf he's right sucks to be us right now. Oh well. Hope they like being simulacra.
ReplyDeleteThe world around you is not what it seems...
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb was once controlled by something coding ADA. What was that remains unknown. Is he controlled again by the same force or is this a side effect of the previous influence on him? I consider this post to be nothing but an assault on the Resistance and a sheer trolling.
ReplyDeleteHarvey Birdman the entities that were controlling PAC when he was coding ADA were the N'Zeer.
ReplyDeleteMario Valenzuela II so PAC can be a simulacrum without knowing that?
ReplyDeleteWe will fight to bring Devra back one way or the other. #teamdevra #theheroweneed
ReplyDeleteOnce again we are warned that a win by the Resistance will incur world ending doom. Just like the last 5 times. Each time the Resistance won, nothing bad happened.
ReplyDeleteFooled you once, shame on NIA. fooled you 5 times.. you must be Enlightened
Mr. Meany bullseye! 👍
ReplyDeleteSounds like the Resistance already won?
ReplyDeleteWhat happens with ADA? If the Res wins then she comes back to earth but if the Enl strikes her down she becomes more powerful by uploading her self into the N'zeer? Win, win...
How about Roland Jarvis the leader of the Enl? If the Enl wins he stays dead? But if the Res wins he comes back to life and works for them? Again seems like a win, win for the Res and game over for the Enl :)
I notice fewer resistance than ever are engaged or interested in this one sided and repetitive plot.
ReplyDeleteAlienating half your market? How are comic sales Niantic Project Ingress flint dille
Will fight to put jarvis in the ground... once again. Epic battle awaits! Check your ammo and move into the fire of tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteHold on just one minute. If When Enlightened wins ADA she becomes human? Awesome!
ReplyDeleteArvind Bala seems legit
ReplyDeleteThank you +H. Richard Loeb for the summary - it helps to connect the scanner events and activity to the "investigation" (story) activity and see how the two may interact and impact.
ReplyDeleteI am scared of the thought that the XM researches may be controlled by the N'zeer if they return as simulacra. There is much at stake next week.
ReplyDeleteSadly most of the agents are not aware what they are fighting for. The so-called Resistance turned 180° and sacrifice their own values 'for the greater good'.
ReplyDeleteArvind Bala I'd love the opportunity to greet A Detection Algorithm as a person instead of a nascent machine god.
ReplyDeleteBodies of the Niantic researchers are stored? You guys remember that cabin with the Acolyte?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. I have it on good authority that the XM churn is what will save humanity, and we will all get participation medals.
ReplyDeleteMike Wissinger I hope she looks more like Klue than like Devra :P
ReplyDeleteNever understood the RES side of things. Opposed to one race of aliens (Shapers), pro a different, even more mysterious race (N'zeer). Now this further proof that to fight for the Enlightened is to fight for humanity
ReplyDeleteLucas 'Ktulu789' it's entirely possible that we could see a reembodied Ada Lovelace or Bilquis. What if the code Loeb was inspired to key into the NSA bootloaders was in fact the mental component of a past XM Sensitive translated through portal entanglement into a complex piece of binary code?
ReplyDeleteWait, what is Jahan's current status? What happened to her after contacting A Detection Algorithm at the nest?
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb Do you think there may be a connection to the individuals Misty Hannah was mixed up with in Las Vegas (Potts), and this Guzman? I'm wondering if we've been seeing hints of other people in the business of Primary Artifacts and didn't know it at the time.
ReplyDeleteJames Thirteen
ReplyDeleteBy merely living life, we alter each other's minds. As humans, we perform this alteration through many ways. We interact socially, altering our perceptions of events. We alter ourselves chemically, by imbibing caffeine or inhaling nicotine. None of us can escape being altered by those external to ourselves.
What is so different about having our minds "altered" by the Shapers? If they took physical form, walked up, and shook your hand, your mind would be altered. The sensation of the handshake would be recorded, you would form impressions based on their appearance and manner... all of this causes a change. Would that be more acceptable than being equally altered through non-corporeal communication? If so, why so--and what makes one more acceptable than the other? If one is not more acceptable than the other, then do we claim that human interactions are somehow different than non-human interactions? Or has all interaction become equally problematic?
James Thirteen
ReplyDeleteEvery person deserves the chance to make a value judgement of their own. But the effects of communication (whether through seeing somebody, receiving a handshake, or releasing a burst of XM) seem to me to be separate from the value judgement one makes on receiving that communication.
I don't advocate trusting the Shapers blindly. Far from it. But I do believe that XM in of itself is a form of communication (or, in more technical terms, data transfer). That we are altered in receiving and processing that communication canot be questioned. But separate to that, we can also assess that communication and choose whether to trust the communicator--and if so, to what degree we will choose to trust.
I suppose my perspective is that I understand those who do not trust the Shapers, or those who desire more evidence before they make a decision. I do not understand those who would reject the communication entirely or villify it as "mind alteration."
Is it necessarily so bad to be a "simulacrum"? The imperfect, recursing version obviously has problems, but we know from previous events that Hank Johnson at least believed he might be able to escape recursion. If a simulacrum could be stabilized, such that it didn't degrade, necessitating a reboot (with loss of memory) after 1331 days, then it would be an immortal, and possibly indestructible and generally physically superior, way to exist. Simulacra may also be better prepared to interface via XM with computational systems that would allow enhanced / rapid cognition, and may exceed human physical limitations.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Morph above that we shouldn't trust anyone blindly -- not the Shapers, or the N'zeer (if they're even still "alive" enough to communicate / influence), not ADA. But we should be willing to experiment with new technology and seek human advancement, in harmonious collaboration with other forms of life, especially ADA, who should be celebrated as the first child of humanity to exceed the capacities of our meat brains.
Full control over simulacrum tech could be revolutionary. In our current form, we are incapable of crossing interstellar distances ( ) But if you sent a store of frozen embryos, along with a simulacrum generator loaded with the patterns of a "first generation" of settlers, and either a massive store of XM or the means to mine it upon arrival, then the first generation could be produced as adult XM copies, and then proceed to raise subsequent generations of biological settlers. Simulacrum technology unlocks the stars. What if the Shapers want to keep humans as captive pets in our Earthly garden, rather than letting us pioneer the rest of the galaxy?
Auros Harman ironically, many of your arguments were the same ones I made to resistance on why we should exploit shaper technology.
ReplyDeleteI think what is happening is this: Shapers and N'Zeer have alot of the same technology and plan to use humanity for the same means. However, the Shapers are pressing the self destruct button since they know once the door is open for the N'Zeer they have no where they can run. They would rather disconnect earth and remain hidden then be slaughtered.
Is there a possible third choice? I'm all about harnessing XM for the advancement of humanity. New technology is how we've evolved for thousands of years. What I'm not crazy about is outsourcing our wills and collective future to beings we really know nothing about. Both the Shapers AND the N'zeer can only be believed with a whole lot of blind faith. They seem to be the same damn thing with only slightly different methods and motives. We need a faction that fights for evolving OURSELVES. That is what I've always believed the resistance was. It was my refusal to let an outside source determine my fate that led me to choose blue in the first place. I would easily join a faction that is somewhere between. Evolving humanity through our own choices and study. Using XM to become better than we were/are, without bowing to interdimensional tyrants. Just my 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteHazel Vizion Hank Johnson became human because the Shonin stone blew up at the 13Magnus nest.
ReplyDeleteHi +H. Richard Loeb,
ReplyDeletewhat about Klue? What is your relationship to her now?
What exactly is chaotic matter?
ReplyDeleteGiven the time and penalties involved in switching factions, I don't think anyone should be surprised that agents don't switch en masse whenever new details emerge. You'd have to know months ahead of an Anomaly what was happening to even switch factions in time and re-level to be of value.
ReplyDeleteAllen Tanner I do not think the Shapers won their war with the N'Zeer. They were loosing and they fled. Why else would they act as if they were afraid?
ReplyDeleteAllen Tanner many of the world's ancient mythological cycles deal with a war in the heavens; angels, demons, fallen-angels, titans, giants, elves, etc. All battling to take control over reality.
ReplyDeleteThose stories, no doubt, were based on the conflict between the Shapers and N'Zeer.
#redfraction...first rule of red fraction is you don't talk about red fraction
ReplyDeleteHola (espero se entienda, ya que lo escribo en español, con la finalidad de no tener un error en mi escritura)
ReplyDeleteUsted menciona que es probable que en ese lugar secreto llamado #Abaddon se encuentren los cuerpos reales de los investigadores (cosa lógica al final de cuentas) en el caso de A Detection Algorithm ¿como es que aun hay actividad suya en G+?
¿Tiene cuerpo físico tal y como lo conocemos?
¿Cual es la ADA que vimos en el el vídeo reciente?
Espero, con suma ansias su respuesta para que pueda seguir con mi investigación.
Quedo a la espera, su seguro y atento servidor.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend...for now.
ReplyDeleteAt this stage of the story line, the Resistance USE the N'zeer to repeated defeat the misguided and lazy ENL faction.
When the time is right, the force of the Resistance will turn it's attention to ALL enemies and preserve the NATURAL progression of humanity.
This worked in Syria quite well... :-(
ReplyDeleteAllen Tanner We may not know exactly when ADA was sharded, but wouldn't 8/6/2015 make sense? go back and listen again to ADA on BTS that day... the message from ADA almost sounds "sharding" if an audio message can sound that way, compared to her clear/consistent speech before.
ReplyDeleteJames Thirteen Peter Crane we're not seeing a third choice because... either the Enlightened it the Resistance will win control of the anomaly. No matter what we want or prefer, unless you can persuade everyone to just not play, and default to neutral, one side or the other will have the manpower and strategy to come out in control. If you have a third option that we can actually act on I think we'd all love to hear it. But so far all I hear is rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the scientists themselves would want.
ReplyDeleteTrinyan X James Thirteen Peter Crane I cannot think of any action that would stop one of the factions from "winning" per the point-rules. The closest I can see would be all-neutral at the anomaly sites. Neutral portals, no fields, no shards, etc. Not that that is logistically possible, but theoretically. It wouldn't stop a faction from winning because the global MU score would be the tiebreaker. Getting the global MU score to a "tie" would be INCREDIBLY difficult.
ReplyDeleteMichael Flood there is no "winning" Ingress. There are events to be won, but they don't have a real impact on anything. It's part of the point of the game. Discussing winning at all is purely theoretical, and basically pointless.
ReplyDeleteWasn't it resistance who wanna keep XM out from humans but enlightened who try to infect everyone with? But why it seems different here? I might ask PA Chapeau with myself tmr.