Some of you may already know this, but I'm headed to Milan for the #Abaddon Anomaly.

Some of you may already know this, but I'm headed to Milan for the #Abaddon Anomaly. Hope to see some of you folks there.

There's something about the Acolyte that I've been trying to figure out. I think she's more than just someone who carries on his work in the world. I think she's connected to Roland Jarvis. Somehow bound to his pattern in 'The Ultimate.'

There isn't a specific piece of evidence that I can point to that confirms this. I feel like I'm just seeing that pattern emerge from everything we know about her. What do you think? Is it pareidolia or am I on to something?


  1. There are several possibilities as to what is going on here. Yik Sheng Lee​​​​ mentioned some of the more prominent ones.

    However, I think that it's also possible that the Acolyte is Jarvis reincarnated--so to speak. I would imagine that the Acolyte is aware of and has embraced the "Ultimate", (whatever that is), and therefore came into contact with what is likely the source of the Shapers' influence--their message. I think that by doing so, her cognitive state could have been compromised to allow the "Jarvis entity" to live within her. Almost like the ingression that happened with Klue.

    There is also the possibility that the Acolyte had somehow come into contact with the 13Magnus shards that did not make it to Jarvis and the shards were somehow incorporated into her. Jarvis' "resurrection" may never have been complete. And that could explain why Jarvis evidentially had been secretly training and mentoring the "Acolyte". She could literally be his legacy

    At this point, I don't think there is enough information to safely draw conclusions about the matter. But I definitely you are on to something here H. Richard Loeb​​​. Also, the pose she did at the end of the Shonin video reminded me a lot of Misty Hannah​​​'s green flash experience. Could Misty have foreseen future events?

  2. TBH the Acolyte is a deluded religious zealot, acting out the same mistaken interpretation of Calvin's master plan that Roland Jarvis had.  There is no Shapers, and the only "Ultimate" is natural XM.  It has no more of a will or goal than air does.  And like air allows us to breathe, XM allows us to evolve, moving ever more towards an ordered and advanced understanding of the world around us.  This is what Calvin fears, and what his plan to repress human evolution involves.

  3. Allen Tanner Weren't you the one disowning Calvin and the N'zeer? :-p

  4. H. Richard Loeb We're also still waiting on an answer to the question of which side you're allied with.  The sidelines aren't an option in the fate of humanity.

  5. It was always about the women with Jarvis. Cassandra perhaps?

  6. Allen Tanner I refute your use of the word "entity".  I am yet to see a shred of evidence regarding any entity that you label Shaper.  Merely the presence of ordered data in a medium that exists to create order and advancement.  There is no entity, and until you bring proof of it, its no less a faith-based religion than God or Allah.

  7. I think like Thomas Arteaga​ that the Acolyte is Jarvis reincarnated.

  8. Certainly she would like us to think she bears a deep connection to RJ. It cements her position. She's stayed pretty well off the radar, though. We know the founder of Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs​ had multiple candidates in mind as a successor towards the end. Mazz was found dead about the time this one stepped forward and access to RJ's cabin is barred. There's something going on at the beach retreat but I don't think we have a clear enough picture to say what. It could be that RJ is still directing things from behind the curtain or it could be that he was the target of a coup.

  9. A case of quantum entanglement or a divergent pathway from another dimension or some other connection?

  10. Wouldn't it be ironic if Roland Jarvis was living in her mind?

  11. My suspicion about the Acolyte is that she is a failsafe against the process of Abaddon.

    We know that Roland Jarvis has already "stepped outside the script" as it were several times: we Enlightened are ourselves a result of this, for we as a faction would not exist without Jarvis' swerve. The first was when he left the scene of Epiphany Night with Devra, the second when he manifested at Cupid's Span, the third when he was renewed by Azmati's treatment.

    Now that Roland Jarvis' pattern is trapped inside the Abaddon process again, it is worth reflecting on why he came back in the first place.

    Knowing what we know now, the answer seems clear; alone among the victims of Epiphany Night, Jarvis had awareness of the trap laid for him and returned to earth to seek a way out of that trap. His time at the compound was a means of seeking that exit.

    Is it possible that the Jarvis pattern we are fighting for in Abaddon is itself a decoy, an image created during that time? Perhaps Jarvis has anchored himself at the compound and may be able to hold against whatever forces pull him during Abaddon.

  12. Roland Jarvis said something else that you omit. The full quote is:

    JARVIS: It's much more than that. It's the mainstem. It's enlightenment. The future. Salvation.

    Let's look at that first word, "mainstem". What is that? The mainstem is the primary downstream segment of a river, from which all its tributaries originate. The theme of water is also returned to by the Acolyte. 

    What Roland Jarvis meant is that XM provides us the path to achieve an eternal balance between our physical selves and the quantum patterns contained therein. Humankind, after all, contains a divine part, a pneuma, and a physical part in which we are incarnated. The realm in which the Shapers exist belongs to our patterns, our spirit, and it is as patterns that we will experience it. This is the river of which our physical forms are tributaries. But we can also help our earthly forms along the way to know themselves. This is the purpose of 13Magnus, and the purpose of the Shapers; to assist humanity in its evolution towards the path that will lead us to true harmony of the self and the Ultimate.

    It is as St. Thomas said:

    If you bring forth what is within you,
    what you bring forth will save you.
    If you do not bring forth what is within you,
    what you do not bring forth will destroy you...
    For whoever has not known himself has known nothing,
    But whoever has known himself
    has simultaneously achieved knowledge
    About the depth of all things.

    The Jarvis Manifesto is Jarvis responding directly to that second question.

    There's a first, unwritten argument that we now understand to be the position of those who seek the N'zeer: that humans are weak, and that struggle is the only meaning of existence. It is the very emblem of those who support them.

    Life is an expression of the place where it was born, however. What are we when liberated from our form? What is the image of God in which we are made, and what does it reflect? This is the essential question of theology. XM and the path of the Shapers is an acknowledgement of the truth of physical existence: it is evolution of consciousness that will extricate us from the trap in which we are set.

    The plan of those who seek knowledge from the N'zeer is the experience of the pit of Abaddon: the eternal trap of the pattern in the physical.

  13. It is only growth that will free us. Spiritual advancement is not what is on offer from those who would peek beyond the veil of the N'zeer. Perhaps the N'zeer offer power: but the Shapers offer transcendence.

    What the Shapers offer is the ability to see the Ultimate with our own souls, instead of losing what we are in a purely deterministic universe. There is no room for the numinous when all is determined. 

    You talk of being "erased". The spark of the divine that dwells within us is not automatically released upon death to move beyond: knowledge in the physical world is required. The goal is not to eternally remain in the physical, but to be reunited with the higher self.

  14. Allen Tanner​​ the N'zeer offer an anti-gnosis; a half measure, a false transcendence. They posit that one should not seek to escape the prison but to simply remodel a wall or two. To reinforce doxa at the expense of aletheia.

  15. Allen Tanner​ Eternal physical presence is itself stagnation. Your DMT visions are interesting but the barrier is not between humanity and transcendence, it is between life and unlife. 

    Spiritual evolution is necessary to achieve what you say you want. Without it, victory is defeat.

  16. Allen Tanner The goal since the beginning has been better humans, better patterns, reaching toward a point where we need not struggle with our leg in the trap. If the Shapers benefit from our advancement, so much the better.

  17. Struggle without direction does not lead to awakening. It leads mostly to cortisol addiction.

  18. Allen Tanner I wish you could see what I see, and understand. Struggle itself is the trap. Eternal reaction, again and again. You react with greater skill and greater speed, and you see growth. I see distraction, and conditioning. Your "growth" is defined and limited by the nature of the adversary (enemy, environment, personal limitations) you struggle against. Freed from the struggle, the endless competition, we do not stagnate. To the contrary, we begin to pursue our own paths; not reactionary but purely creative.

    The endless struggle offers you only one choice: optimize, or perish. Without the struggle, the choices are limitless. Only those with no inner motivation, no desire to create simply for the sake of art, would stagnate in such an environment. I feel sorry for those who need an external threat, or even an internal threat, to motivate them. But, I understand that they simply are not ready for Enlightenment.

  19. Allen Tanner I'm sorry you've missed out on a lot of the discussion in Essex! Don't worry, there will always be more opportunities.

  20. Allen Tanner​ you are correct about one thing, at least: my creativity has indeed been much diminished of late. I've been too caught up in the struggles of daily life, and haven't felt I had much time to grow in directions of my own choosing.

    If some who are freed from the struggle choose to spend all their time smoking, then so be it. Many who are caught up in the struggle do the same, and that is their choice. I would not take that freedom from anyone. Likewise, I would not forcibly remove from the struggle anyone who feels they are learning and growing from it, just as the shapers do not bring enlightenment to any who are unwilling to receive it. Yes, we try to amplify their message so that all may hear it, but it is still the choice of the individual to respond or not. When the N'zeer return, if Jahan's vision is correct, it doesn't sound like we'll have that choice.

  21. Allen Tanner oh my... who are you to say that another human being has not felt pain or had to struggle? And just because you like one piece of art better than another, does not necessarily mean it's superior. Yes, I'm sure a lot of people like Guns N Roses much better than Kesha. But to place such a judgment on their art, and to say it is because one of them struggled and one did not, is both ignorant and non sequitur.

    And yes, of course the Shapers will allow everyone the choice, just as they always have. The Shapers are not coming, they are not taking over. They are here now, as they have been since the dawn of civilization, whispering as they always have to those who choose to listen. They have a plan for the evolution of mankind, but unlike the N'zeer they have the patience to wait thousands of years and let us evolve naturally, with a guiding hand to steady us when we reach for it. The N'zeer come to unnaturally accelerate the process, giving us knowledge without wisdom, power without understanding how to use it responsibly. To hear Jahan talk about it, they are coming to solve all our earthly problems for us, but how does that help us? The N'zeer offer to give us fish so we can eat for a day. The Shapers are teaching us how to bait a line and cast it for ourselves, so that with a little patience we can feed ourselves for the rest of our lives.

  22. Allen Tanner​​ I would say our "natural" evolution includes any and all tech that our society and mortality can keep up with. Historically there has always been a significant delay on this: In the industrial revolution, huge sections of river ecosystems were badly damaged badly damaged or destroyed by the mills before environmental regulations caught up to them. With each new industry, it's the same. Chemical plants, oil drilling, even automobile emissions. First we see what we can do, then we look at it and decide what we should do, but the damage is often already done. The enlightened view, I think, would be to take our time and patiently analyze each new technology, and plan how best to use it for the good of the world. Instead, most of us are just eager to benefit however we can, without looking forward and seeing the consequences down the line.

    You bring up artificial intelligence, and I say that might be where it is the most crucial that we must be cautious and patient. If we create a creature that is just as corruptible as we are, but with abilities far beyond what any single human could accomplish, how can we hope to contain it or regulate its actions? If a human becomes a murderer, we have systems in place to catch them and put them on trial and lock them away. If an artificial intelligence falsifies an order to an assassin, or hijacks the functions of a machine to stage a fatal accident – as many believe ADA has done more than once – how are we to catch it? And if we catch it, how are we to imprison it? A creature that can be everywhere at once, secretly backed up on hidden servers around the world, using distributed computing so that the entire Internet is its brain, how do we contain it or punish it for its crimes? If we create a being with free will whose intelligence and capabilities are greater than our own, do we really think it will obey us, or put our best interests first? It might. Such a creature might in fact have a stronger moral code than we do. But it might not. And if we release it into the wild without knowing for sure, then the genie is out of the bottle and there's no putting it back in.

    As for who has the right to decide what is permissible and what is impermissible, I would say that always falls to those with the power to enforce it, whether they are worthy of the task or not. The king makes laws without the permission of his subjects. The Pope declares the will of God without consulting the congregations. The United States Congress now makes decisions in favor of which corporation pays them the biggest bribe, not for the good of mankind. More often than not, these decisions cost human lives and freedom. Do they have the right to make decisions for us? Is 13 Magnus really any worse than that? I'm not saying what they have done is good, but I believe their intentions at least are for the best, and any evil they have done was the least harm they believed was possible in the prevention of a much greater harm.

  23. Maybe if her drowning was faked and she got plastic surgery for a new face. What reason might she have for doing that? To break her ties with Hank Johnson?


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