I often get asked which side I am “secretly” for when I say that I am not aligned with either faction.

I often get asked which side I am “secretly” for when I say that I am not aligned with either faction. Yes, I did announce support for the Resistance at one time and my return to a neutral stance should not be construed as some statement against the Resistance (or a secret affiliation with the Enlightened) but rather my realization that my role is different than that of an Agent… a consequence of choosing to pursue the Truth.
Remember, I played a role in letting the genie out of the bottle and it is precisely for that reason that I force myself more and more to let Truth lead the way.
As to the notion of Truth itself...I also get asked (quite a lot recently) if I realize that things I may have said or reported in the past have later turned out to be false because I may have had tainted sources and do I feel responsibility for duping people. Of course I do. And when I find information that discredits previous information I will report it. If not, I miss an opportunity to reveal a necessary insight. It is for you to decide what is accurate. I’m not asking you to join me in believing every word I say without verification -- quite the contrary. I always invite you to seek the Truth and I am only one source of many possible ones. Check, cross-check, verify, take me to task. I have been asking for your opinions, theories and information from Day One. A network of individuals with opposing viewpoints willing to hack these problems is far more powerful than all of their supercomputers put together. Don’t think they don’t know that.
The more I uncover, the fewer facts remain and questions fill the place of things I once took for granted.
Case in point: My hat.
The real story behind my hat is that it was given to me by a gypsy violin player after a concert in Prague, years before I had any involvement with Niantic, the NIA, the NSA, any of it. I had just admired the hat and the violin player insisted that I have it. So I accepted it with deep gratitude. Wore that thing for years and then entered a hatless phase of my life. A few years later, enter my old buddy, Henry Bowles with a mysterious job offer, ADA. Mix in a little Truthseeker. Shake and pour. Oh yeah, and that infamous coding incident…
One night, during that time period, when my mind was on overload, confused by what ADA had to say, I grabbed my coat and saw that hat in my closet. I put it on and went for a walk. Immediately, I felt calmer, clearer than I had been in months. It was during that walk that I made the decision that I had to reveal what I knew. Not a light decision as you can imagine. The pseudonym P.A. Chapeau was therefore appropriately fitting.
In the years that have now passed, I have worn that hat many times. Largely when I wish to reveal myself in public but also, at times in private when I wish to clear my head. Somehow, whenever I wear that hat, I find myself able to think without the clutter and noise...without outside influence. And I feel much safer.
We always make fun of the tinfoil hat concept but...here’s the freaky question, why does this hat and only this hat, do that for me? Is it a placebo effect or does this hat actually have properties that block the effects of Exotic Matter, Dark XM and other influences? Think about how many things H. Richard Loeb has had to worry about in the last three years. Not just my own survival but the survival of those I care about. Starting to see where I’m going with this? It sounds like crazy talk but nothing about any of this has been sane. Of course I could have the hat tested but that would probably involve me handing myself over to some folks who may not be very happy with me. And could I even trust their results? Could the opposite be true? Is my hat actually an XM source?
The point of the story is this: If I have taken the Truth about my hat for granted all this time, what other underlying assumptions have I not questioned enough? Perhaps now, you either think I’m totally nuts or you realize why I am more and more reluctant to believe the Truth as opposed to seek the Truth.
Still with me? OK, then if my hat actually has XM properties one way or the other, shield or source, then perhaps the question I really need to answer is: Who was the gypsy violin player?
Down the rabbit hole once more… never once considering how in the world we are to get out again.
Ingress wear confirmed
ReplyDeleteMisty Hannah
ReplyDeleteDid you like the hat, or did the hat like you?
ReplyDeleteThere are so few characters standing up to say they are resistance... Ah well, at least we have Jarvis.
ReplyDeleteMad Hatter gave you a sewn tinfoil hat!
ReplyDeleteVicki Ellen Can we blame you for the lack of Rsistance characters?
ReplyDeleteI think I need something like H. Richard Loeb 's hat at work to concentrate on what is important.
Funny enough, a lot of thinkers where I come from do use a hat.
ReplyDeleteEven in the past, the protection from the weather was not the only reason to wear it, it had/has a stance.
H. Richard Loeb maybe the hat has some kind of protection, maybe it's just like a pacifier - if wearing it clears the mind, go back to the place where you were given the hat and find the gypsy, he might be more than what meets the eye.
Teemu Ylänne wait a second are all the plot characters resistance characters after Abaddon?
ReplyDeleteI thought we got cool cloaks rather than cool hats Lucy Shires Lea .just d Iris Garcia #CoolCloaks
I saw you in Chicago wearing that hat in 2013. It seem to have quite a presence for a hat
ReplyDeleteCloaks FTW Vicki Ellen !
ReplyDeleteWhereever I lay my hat, that's my home.
ReplyDeleteIt could also be a mental trigger, returning you to a frame of mind when your understanding of the world and your place in it were clear. With what we have seen of XM sensitives it seems their self image has influence over their XM gifts, so a fetish that helps you control your outlook could be powerful even if it has no inherent power.
ReplyDeleteCan we change our allegiance to Team Chapeau? ;)
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb Why don't you put on your Thinking Cap and cogitate on your role in the near destruction of that which could rightfully claim to be your daughter: A Detection Algorithm
ReplyDeleteAre we seriously going with the "Gypsy" curse idea with a hat?
ReplyDeleteObviously, P.A., the gypsy violinist was you, traveled back in time to become your own grandfather.
ReplyDeleteThat, or you're just wearing your hat too tight.
A hat is just a hat untill a man puts it on his head.
ReplyDeleteQuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect I remember it was said that winning would mean ALL the researchers returned as simulacrum, so does that mean we have some RES and some ENL aligned simulacrum wandering around?
ReplyDeleteThe shark has jumped the hat.
ReplyDeleteVicki Ellen I suspect that nothing of the sort has happened, given what happened with ADA. The result of Abaddon is likely to be that the Niantic researchers are no longer human, but their alignments have not have changed in any way.
ReplyDeleteTyphoon Jim thanks
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb's hat will be the new NL1331 mobile portal.
ReplyDeleteJust gotta get John Hanke to figure out how to cram a GPS device in there...it's a smaller space than the van...
The Shapers influence us for things we can not see coming. The influence may be small like the flapping of a butterfly's wing or the gifting of the right hat.
ReplyDeleteI have a pair of undies that I had worn since I was in middle school (college now)and haven't wash them .it made me feel more secure.though I do wonder now who made them.maybe Mr fruit of the loom was a gypsy too
ReplyDeleteSparks Moran 😂!
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb, Seriously, though, there are many objects which have such significant abilities for the people who own them. Perhaps each of us, vibrating at our own frequency, has many possible harmonics (vibrations similar in character which go together seamlessly) and that hat is on one of your harmonics. I find that such objects tend to gravitate towards those persons who are compatible. So, yours is a hat. OK. I've got a bag I got at an anomaly which seems to be able to hold anything, no matter how full it appears to be. And I'm pretty sure Allen Tanner has a bike.... We've all got such things.
Awareness of them, that's pretty unusual. Nicely spotted.
ReplyDelete"In seeking truth, you have to get both sides of a story." -Walter Cronkite
ReplyDeleteQuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect don't forget sherbert!
ReplyDeleteHats, hats, hats...
ReplyDeletethe alignment of these characters meant literally nothing. Good job