Agents, what an incredible day.

Agents, what an incredible day. Meeting so many of you, hearing your stories and sharing your cheers... Anomalies are exhilarating. Thanks for having me at yours in Milan, yesterday. 

Wanted to share some final thoughts on #Abaddon as I prepare to head home.

As you know, above all else, I am a Truthseeker. I’m not aligned to either Faction at this point, I’m only interested in understanding what is happening in the world around me. 

Here’s what I know. 

The stakes during #Abaddon were enormous. The battle between the Shapers and the N'zeer has lasted thousands of years, and the Enlightened and the Resistance are now positioned on cutting edges in that conflict. 

This is an ongoing struggle between two different ways of looking at the world: for the Enlightened, experiencing the beauty of the universe, relishing its spectrum of experience and discovering meaning within it. 

For the Resistance: unlocking the secrets of our cosmos, distilling our awareness into pure and absolute knowledge and elevating our species to greater heights. 

Both sides think they’re right... that tends to happen... and the actions of every Agent during #Abaddon is going to have echoes that we will hear far into the future.

With this victory, the Resistance have accomplished a task that Calvin set in motion before the Niantic Project even began. Many of the Niantic Researchers will now help spread N’zeer influence around the world. 13MAGNUS was once able to shut the N’zeer out over 2000 years ago, but it looks like that era is over. 

The cosmic battle is joined. The N’zeer promise is one of technological advancement... knowledge that will enable us to peer into the very fabric of reality. So, enjoy your victory, Resistance. The future is going to be interesting.


  1. No contact from Roland Jarvis​ in Milan, then? I was hoping you'd have new information from the aftermath of the weekend events.

  2. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​ I know I certainly don't support the N'zeer. I don't believe the alien Shapers are good for humanity, why would I think the alien N'zeer would be? I feel like we're being forced into a war with no "good" sides. Though I suppose that's true of all wars.

  3. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect both of his loves have switched factions and are now wearing green.  I think he just submitted his faction change request and decided not to play until it comes through.

  4. It will be very interesting to see what the future holds, H. Richard Loeb.

  5. Resistance needs to carefully analyze the shape/nzeer conflict. Never be too sure that the enemy of your enemy is a friend.

  6. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Hope you don't mind but parts of that explanation don't sit well with me. I don't think ADA knew about the N'zeer from the beginning of Niantic. Her eventual support of the N'zeer was...gradual, at least in my opinion.

    So if my above statement is true then Loeb wasn't being manipulated by ADA because ADA wasn't manipulating him to do anything when he started the Investigation because she had no larger goal to work towards that involved Richard exposing Niantic to the world.

    Now, let's say that ADA knew about the N'zeer from the start. Loeb may have been misled by ADA in this scenario but his ignorance in that case wouldn't be misleading the rest of the Investigative community. The most secrecy Loeb has ever kept revolved around his creation of Truthseeker. But if ADA knew and didn't tell Loeb, how does that make Loeb guilty if he didn't know?

  7. I can't wait to see the results after this narrow points wining. Go Resistance!

  8. Sven W oh, I'm sure the old lady will be okay if we can just make her swallow that dog. It'll catch the cat that we had her swallow, which I imagine by this time has caught the spider initially dispatched to deal with that pesky fly.

  9. evil witch I wished we would have won either enoch or carrie.... an anomaly draw would have been epic!

  10. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect Calvin's mission probably involved ADA but for reasons we don't know, Calvin only gave her access to the database of Omnivore knowledge, which I personally perceive as related to the Niantic Project and only that as Calvin gave her access in the 'Byron' doc:

     If ADA was meant to play a critical role in Calvin's agenda then I guess Calvin wanted her to learn the truth on her own? I'm honestly not sure why Calvin didn't debrief her on the N'zeer and everything from the start. 

    The oddball and to be honest as hell, weak position I have on it, ADA was part of the 'master plan' but she was like a domino effect-something that would change and evolve over time as the Project fell apart and she grew up. It's hard to tell what was really going on in Calvin's head. 

    For example, in this doc:
    Calvin confirms he's keeping the 13M around as a balance. I take it to mean that if something happens that he doesn't want. In that regard, how much of an AntiM operative is Calvin? Is he really like Jahan or Amaziah or does he have a different perspective on things?

  11. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect on what grounds are you writing this off as a "joke"?

  12. Bring it on, I look forward to harnessing the power of the N'zeer. They will hopefully bring us information and technology that can be manufactured into greater weapons to repel the Enlightened.

  13. Chris Sibbald Do you know what it is the N'zeer expect in return?

  14. Paul Fritschle​ who knows what they want in return if anything. Perhaps we have assisted them without even knowing. We could be in some way connected to them already.

  15. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect It's never been outright stated by Calvin that he's AntiM. Hell, any attempt to question it just gets kind of...shrugged off. 

    But I do think personally that Calvin himself left enough pieces lying around that the idea of him being AntiM can elaborate and explain. 

    SO, in a documented conversation on November 15th, 2014:, Calvin said he's been 'hunting a 13MAGNUS his entire career." Question is, why? What does a neuro-biologist(as stated in Felicia Hajra-Lee's the Niantic Project: Ingress) need with a centuries-old society that has the knowledge of XM-induced immortality? 

    Then there's good old Hank Johnson: From the beginning as a grad student, Calvin couldn't find the MAGNUS alone. He noticed Hank's research(Doc: and pulled strings where he could(Doc: in order to get Hank on board with helping him unravel the mystery of 13M 

    Now, I'll have to go back and research it but I do know that Calvin was present at Whydah and could have been at the Watarah Symposium, although that one is more up Dr. Edgar Allan Wright's alley than mine. 

    And then there's the good old Niantic Project: The secret mission to study XM, which discovered Portals, created Ingress and A Detection Algorithm. If Niantic was simply a study project then how did everything end up the way it did? 

    I doubt Calvin's a master genius but I do think that he's smarter than everyone he's ever come into contact with: the NIA who he duped to fund Niantic as well as whoever he duped into funding Whydah and Watarah, the sensitives he tricked to join Niantic, Hank Johnson-his colleague and the young, impressionable grad student who he used to discover the traces of 13M in our modern time. I also think as events in this Investigation played out that he possibly didn't see coming, he simply improved with what he had at his disposal as things moved along.  

    Calvin's not like Ilya Petsov at Visur Technology, who wants to harness simulacra for profit. So why would he need 13MAGNUS? 

    To me, him being AntiM(or at the very least, holding some AntiM tendencies) elaborates on everything I've talked about. If Calvin was AntiM then everything he's done was part of one singular goal and everything that's happened was part of a evolving yet constantly moving mission he set in place. 

    SO these are my ramblings on the matter. I don't really trust Calvin imo but I can trust this single phrase he said that i'll keep for the rest of my life: 

    Mad ramblings don't stand well to peer review.

  16. The benefit of the pattern strategy is that we remain human at our core, and are able to see the path forward as mortal beings.

    Eternal life is the end of civilization, for it is the extinction of youth and possibility.

  17. I think H. Richard Loeb​ was drinking too much wine in Milan. This recent post sounds like the babblings of a drunk.

  18. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect not seeing hair splitting. I'm seeing a discussion.

  19. The raison de'tre of ENL and RES redfined. It's no longer about "saving" humanity from alien invasion/slavery. Its about how humanity will exploit alien intelligence for self-interest.

  20. So the Enlightened reason for existence hasn't changed in three years, but now the Resistance is officially only divided from us by preferring blue?

  21. Allen Tanner​ SETAI isn't part of Enlightened and never claimed to be. Nothing we do supports it, it's simply a mouthpiece for ADA hate.

  22. Allen Tanner The question to ask is, why are patterns interesting? Might it be because they belong to living, changing human beings?

  23. I am sure mankind is not ready to get advanced technology as long as we try to kill each other.
    Mankind should stand united, Enlightened and Resistance together - XF, to evaluate the possibilities and dangers.

  24. ENL confirmed to be hippies. "for the Enlightened, experiencing the beauty of the universe"


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