A source sent this my way.

A source sent this my way. No explanation attached. At first I thought it was some kind of stylized AT-AT, but the more I looked at it, I realized it was something else... a lumbering beast of steel and concrete.

Can anyone help me dig deeper?


  1. Looks like the creation of a giant tetrix. Somehow looking at this image gives me the chills.

  2. Looks like transporting materials up to build the wall in the background. Are those people standing up there? The three yellow shapes.

  3. The beige wall looking bit look like letters and numbers, the first one looks like an OC and the 3rd section looked like 1000.

  4. The yellow shapes look like statues to me.

  5. I found it.It is in Okinawa, Japan. 
    This object name is "CONCRETE AND STEEL". Artist is NOSE Koujirou.

    Intel Map

    Reference (In Japanese)
    Okinawa Prefecture Museum & Art Museum

  6. It looks like a pathway 'up'.
    It is located in front of the Okinawan Prefectural Museum.

  7. i know im bad, but i hope its a secret message about Pokemon..... INgress is great but omg... PokemonGo... that will truly change the world...

  8. It's the Concret and Steel's portal in Okinawa, Japan.. Be carefull, it's maybe a trap !

  9. What does this mean? Is this a possible future as a result of Abaddon ? Steel and Concrete skeletons? A war?

  10. Chris Sibbald it's something saying Jarvis is hunting ada. It's not mine to share, presume it'll be out soon.

  11. what we do now? its a message from Jarvis to ADA

  12. What the ruins of something definite, the affected by the earthquake, fire, or another a natural or man-made disaster. It looks like the skeleton of a building with passages and staircases. Maybe it was some kind of technological construction - communication center (half-destroyed buildings in the background), and such transmission antenna (backbones in the foreground).
    According to the landscape - it is like a desert, even so inclined to the version that is destroyed by an array of transmit antennas, telescopes or the like.
    Sorry for the bad English.

    Какие то определенно развалины, пострадавшие от землетресения, пожара или еще какого стихийного или рукотворного бедствия. Похоже на остов здания с переходами и лестницами. Возможно это была какаято технологическая конструкция - узел связи (полурарушенное здание на заднем фоне) и например передающие антены (остовы на переднем плане).
    По пейзажу - это вроде пустыня, склоняюсь всеже к версии, что это разрушенный массив передающих антен, радиотелескопов или нечто подобного.

  13. it may also have something to do with the ancient Okinawan Rosetta Stones, also on display inside the same museum seen in the pictures background. I saw images on the stones resembling the glyphs SHAPERS and STRONG on one of the tablets. Perhaps others can help decipher the ancient messages.

  14. Looks like some folks building a temple. Maybe this is how the Mayan and Egyptians build their pyramid complexes.

  15. In light of Felicia Hajra-Lee​'s story Ghost Town I wonder if ADA went back to

  16. I am beginning to think Roland Jarvis is responsible for the new features in the scanner technology.

  17. Bill TUNER​ on the blue stone could be "less" and "barrier" not sure the others in between.

  18. H. Richard Loeb​​ Yik Sheng Lee​​ Lazerath Myrddyn​ Okinawa is full of mysteries from underwater temples to the 200+ Okinawan Rosetta tablets, and original civilization. The islands are frequently associated with Ophir (King Solomon), the Lequios (Portuguese for Ryukyuans), and also the legendary Mu continent.

    During the US occupation of Okinawa (Ryukyu islands) from 1945 to 1972 most of the 200+ Okinawan Rosetta stones were recorded missing. Some speculate that they may have contained hints to ancient history and technology, and were carried to the US for the knowledge contained within.

    What civilization created these tablets, the answer may lie in the ocean with strange underwater architectures that look like they were made by intellegent and advanced ancient society(ies). Perhaps there are undisclosed reasons why 75% of the US military in Japan is found on Okinawa?

    The list of mysteries go on and deepens as one reaches toward the oldest known Java man-like remains found on Okinawa that dates back to 50,000bc. Unfortunately, much evidence were destroyed or just reported missing, and we are working off of whats left or recreated post-WWII.

  19. Bill TUNER I like what your saying and the direction your pointing. I believe it's all pointing in the direction of the watchers. H. Richard Loeb​ should look into the history of the watchers, the anunnaki. I belive the watchers are our shapers and nzeer. Each influencing ancient human societies and providing advanced technology and powerful artifacts. Such as the wind jewel and the power stones. Mustafa Said​ and Yik Sheng Lee​ and even Allen Tanner​ should take some time to look into that theory and provide us with their thoughts on the possible coincidence. Something interesting for Edgar Allan Wright​ to peek at as well.

  20. Bill TUNER​​ Mike Wright​​ H. Richard Loeb​​ I think also that there are other civilizations we will need to consider as well. One thing of note on the yellow Okanawa Rosetta Stone is the spiral. While it is similar to our unbounded glyph, the spiral is found in many cultures around the world and by some is seen to represent the spiral of life or our journey through life. If these truely have some bering toward the shapers then I dont think this can be ignored. Perhaps even pointing us to other artifacts relating to the wind stone.

  21. It looks like a mechanism to create a construction. Something which could hoist large building fragments onto greater heights.

    The building fragments remind me of the Roman colloseum.


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