This weekend, the fate of 3 individuals is going to be decided.

This weekend, the fate of 3 individuals is going to be decided.

First up, Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe.

There have been some new revelations that emerged in Ingress: Origins about where OLW was before the Niantic Project began, but to keep things simple, let's just start with Niantic.

One thing is certain. Lynton-Wolfe is a savant (and perfectly comfortable letting everyone know he is). It seems to me as though his entire life was perfectly optimized for him to become the world's leading Exotic Matter engineer. What he discovered, almost instantly, is that constructs can emerge spontaneously from XM if the right circumstances are created. Kind of like DNA, I guess. The patterns for the XMP, the Resonator, the Portal Shield and more were always in the XM, they just had to be unlocked. And Lynton-Wolfe was a man with an innate skeleton key.

At Niantic, he was able to accelerate the research to breakneck pace, greatly increasing the XM output of Portals both inside and outside the facility. He is credited for having first 'created,' at minimum, the XMP, the Resonator, the Portal Shield and the Power Cube, although it's likely that every single XM construct you or I have ever encountered has his fingerprints in its foundations. 

After Niantic, I think Lynton-Wolfe kind of got lost. He comes across to me as an optimist, someone who believes in the power of knowledge and science, and his hunger to continue his work made him easy to exploit. He worked, at some point or another, with each of the XM corporations before the bridge burned and he was forced to move on.

Speaking of burned bridges, the big one is Jarvis. Lynton-Wolfe always leaned Enlightened but he and Jarvis had a massive falling out, and it resulted in OLW attacking him with a primitive Dark XM weapon. What followed is the series of events now know as 13MAGNUS: The return of Jarvis, and Lynton-Wolfe's ultimate defeat and... in some ways... spiritual surrender.

So, who is Lynton-Wolfe. He's brilliant but brash. A pioneer and an optimist, but also petty and prone to being a victim of his own ego. But then again, did I mention brilliant? When you can bend the primal matter of this universe to your will, you probably get forgiven some odd personality quirks.

Alright. Your turn. What'd I miss?


  1. Wolfe spent a lot of time 'convalescing' at Jarvis' coastal retreat. Is there any possibility he made some sort of connection with the Acolyte at this time?

  2. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ is a genius and is the example of how a corporation can corrupt science and discovery, how a scientist becomes a CEO and then understand how his discoveries can harm humanity if goes to the wrong hands, which mostly happens when you put your personal and financial interest first. He might be looking for some kind of redemption after all.

  3. I hope he makes a surprise visit this weekend... then we can grill him on all of the above questions...

  4. I have always suspected that the unsigned letter leaked on November 10 2014 was written by him (found on page 235 of Niantic Project Book 3.)

    He is a mercenary but one who always manages to swiftly wear out his welcome in whatever camp he finds his tent.

  5. Something inside him seemed broken after DC. Desperate. Was that his first failure? Were his moves around the world motivated by shame, preferring to be seen by colleagues as crazy or disloyal than imperfect?

  6. When he used the dark xm weapon on Jarvis, was it really personal or did he have a fundamental change of heart about the Enlightened in general?

  7. Sarah Rosen  you are assuming that he actually was Enlightened and not playing both sides against the middle.  

    The "Shapers" that OLW spoke with were most likely the N'Zeer meaning he was leveraging the victories of both sides to summon the N'Zeer (remember who created the Resistance modulated XM bands).  If his 13magnus goals were successful and he became the new leader of the Enlightened, it might have been the ENL that would have been summoning the N'Zeer not the Resistance.  However, I suspect that antimagnus would have still been working with the Resistance meaning both factions would have been working towards a N'Zeer incursion without even knowing it..

  8. Sarah Rosen I do not think so. I believe that OLW made contact with the N'zeer as well as the Shapers, and chose whichever side would give him the most power. I think he still sits on the fence, and uses his position as an indispensable XM expert in order to look out for Number One.

    Again, a laudable position. He remains my favorite Niantic researcher.

  9. Typhoon Jim​​​, do you also occasionally ask yourself "What would Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​​ do?" I often do even though the answer usually leads to a situation that is totally chaotic and at times very destructive.

  10. Mario Valenzuela II Oh yeah. Him and Stein Lightman are my favorites because they're half-mad, seen as charlatans, but everyone always comes back to them to ask what they think.


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