I’ve been combing through Ingress: Origins and The Niantic Project Files: Volume 3 (https://goo.gl/XV0rU5) and have...

I’ve been combing through Ingress: Origins and The Niantic Project Files: Volume 3  (https://goo.gl/XV0rU5) and have constructed a roughly sketched picture of events leading to our current state.

Alexander the Great’s conquest was the final destruction of the N’zeer in antiquity and he was quite successful. Whether he was fully aware of what he was doing or simply being manipulated by his tutor, Aristotle, is not fully clear. I think he knew exactly what his mission was...

Had it not been for Thaïs making off with some Prime XM Artifacts, the N’zeer would have been forever locked out of our dimension. This was certainly her intention. Anti-Magnus was forced into a corner by Alexander's conquests, and they feigned defeat in order to begin a phase of rebuilding. Seems like a strategy that has worked out in the long run.

The N’zeer have spent the last 2000+ years attempting to re-emerge by creating a series of Anti-Magnus groups, each carrying out one objective after another (I look forward to more suggestions on who these groups might have been*). Likewise 13MAGNUS groups have tried to keep the status quo in their favor through those eras.

The most recent, and most successful Anti-Magnus group was headed either by Jahan (whose family battled with Azmati’s family for the collection of Prime Artifacts -- the Shōnin Stone, Alexander’s Dagger, etc.) or by Calvin. How Calvin came into this position isn't clear. Did he uncover some ancient manual or object that gave him the necessary knowledge, or did he simply have an 'epiphany?'

As for Jahan, she was raised into it. It's pretty clear that she was destined to be an Anti-Magnus leader from birth. (Is it possible Calvin and Jahan represent two groups working at cross purposes?) 

After sending Hank Johnson on the mission to the Afghan Anomaly, Calvin was able to raise government funding for the Niantic Project (through a witting or unwitting Ni, I suspect unwitting, but I might be wrong). The goal of the Niantic Project was to build a 'Magnus' right atop the CERN Portal and supercharged by the Hadron Collider. Quite brilliant if you think about it.

Are you following me so far?  What am I missing? Where am I wrong?

* Here's an interesting exercise. Go back in time and try and view influential figures (politicians, artists, warriors, scientists, philosophers) through the lens of Enlightened vs. Resistance, Anti-Magnus vs. 13MAGNUS, Shaper vs. N'zeer. These are the breadcrumbs that could help uncover other groups through history.


  1. I'll put Leonardo da Vinci in the camp of the N'Zeer based upon his analog programmable mechanical knight, among other technological wizardry. This, along with his obvious appreciation of the human form sets him squarely in Resistance.

  2. Mona Lisa's Da Vinci squarely in the RES? Please...
    The man whose areas of interest included invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography, surely has much more alignment with the Enlightened has his inspiration for further evolution had to come from someone. His arts, be it painting or sculpture or any other, have so much xm that capturing it all would amount to the quantity of xm present in a small/medium country.

  3. The exercise of attempting to place historical figures in either Magnus is difficult and ultimately flawed: the more one analyzes these groups, the clearer it is that they spring from the same root and generally appreciate the same things. The example of Leonardo above is an excellent one. Even our current Niantic figures are nearly impossible to place without a distinct signal. Furthermore, their preferences are so plastic that one can make sense of their particular proclivities either way when we know them to have been aligned by an anomaly event.

    Without showing us their scanners, you won't learn much from attempting to plant a faction flag on the tombs of the ancients. Trust me, I've watched people do it for years and nothing comes of it. 

    Also, some truly noxious comparisons are unavoidable once we breach the edge of the 17th Century, which will eclipse this thread in eternal darkness, and we will learn nothing. So don't try to put blue or green pants on your favorite historical people.

  4. Small point: I don't think the N'Zeer have orchestrated anything, and the Anti Magnus are in fact not in direct contact with those they want to bring into the world. Remember, the N'Zeer were blocked from Earth by the portal defense network.

    What we see is not a broad N'Zeer plot, but the efforts of various groups, akin to Cthulhu cults in Mythos literature, to bring about the advent of entities that they believe will offer them great power if attracted.

  5. Given the couple of comments above, how sure are we Shapers have always been aligned "green"- we have seen the sensitive alignments switch. Also, is there potential that 13magnis and Magnus are not directly aligned to green and blue, and it just happens to seem that way, could they be independent groups.... Also, what about the level of technology this cycle compared to others... the reach, strength and frequency of anomaly events might be creating a different set of events within the cycle.

  6. Just as an aside to the DaVinci discussion - this site has a neat little look at some of the people from that time and a quote that could be used in this discussion - if you agree with it. So Is this more about defining what it really means to follow a N'zeer mindset and approach to life and what it means to follow a Shaper path? 


    "Unlike his rival, Botticelli, who took inspiration from philosophical ideals and poetry, Leonardo was obsessed with the natural world. From a young age he was determined to reflect every detail.

    “Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity,” he said."

  7. If the symbolism of our modern factions are, like glyphs, fixed then we could begin with movements that explicitly sought enlightenment.

  8. Seems to be that Da Vinci has both RES tendencies as Sarah Rosen​ pointed out and has ENL leanings as Peter Gpetr​ has spoken on...

  9. Another question I'm thinking of regards the discoveries that Stein Lightman​ made: https://plus.google.com/+MustafaSaid/posts/1XeB8pdVYfe

    Which Glyph best represents the individual? Which ideology best summarizes them?

  10. T. R j bc uujsxrm sd. Bu xxtt xttw. zt ztūūùūùùūūūn txyxxxyxtxyxxxxyxyxyxxxx sytyxty ūūū

  11. Remember that AntiMagnus are summoning back the N'zeer only for the return of balance. The drive for pure chaos is as inappropriate as the drive for pure order. Who are we? The Taoists, the gnostics, the alchemists etc. We know each other well.

  12. Gab Riel Curious to ask: Since the N'zeer has not been in our world for some time(assuming that it was once here and the 13MAGNUS banished it), would that mean that the balance has been tipped towards one side until now? 

    Also, if bringing the N'zeer restores the balance, how do you think the Shapers will react to their return? Will they attempt to also bring balance by potentially trying to live amongst each other? Or will they seek to banish the N'zeer once more?

  13. Mustafa Said​​ yes, it appears that in the civilised world balance has been tipped towards order up until now.

    What will order do? What will chaos do? They are doing what they have always been doing, dancing the dance, playing the play. The question is what will us humans do? The sooner we realise that it's play, not battle, the easier it is going to be for us.

  14. Again, the Common and the Mysterious, Front and Back, the Known and the Unknown is one of the most basic of games.

  15. So are riddles. And we have enough of those already.

  16. Thomas Arteaga stripping down a more complex riddle to a simpler one is supposed to help.

  17. Another AntiMagnus groups my be lead by Antoine P. Smith, Avril Lorazon or Nigel Moyer


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