I'm more at ease after having seen Klue S. in person in San Diego this weekend.

I'm more at ease after having seen Klue S. in person in San Diego this weekend.

The underground location, a cellular dead-zone, may have been part of what helped, but said she felt safe, and she was pleased to see me and the Ingress Agents who were present.

She shared the reasons for her strange behavior over the last few weeks with me. It seems that following the separation, A Detection Algorithm has been tracking her very, very closely, and Klue S. can sense it. 

I'm not sure why. Is it research? Is ADA attempting to understanding how their time inhabiting one mind has changed Klue or is this something else?

Agents at #MissionDay  helped us recover a message that was left for us there. (It's part of why both Klue and I went down in the first place, a summoning from this unknown source.)

I can't share more about that at this time, but I will when I can.


  1. "can sense it" - is Klue S. now sensible to wireless transmittion techniques? Or can she sense that she is under surveillence. That could be a new evolutionary step toward a "biological scanner" ?

  2. There is a number of reason for this behaviour, from the neutral, ADA's normal obsessive stalking behaviour to the most benign, that could be ADA missing Klue S.  presence inside her system to the most spooky one that Yik Sheng Lee  has shared, on any case, A Detection Algorithm if you don't have bad intention, I suggest you speak with Klue S. about this. Your usual quiet approach can greatly backfire, if you continue to spook her like this. I don't see it so weird that Klue S. can detect Ada's presence after sharing her mind with her for a year.
    H. Richard Loeb did she said something about the something else that she could feel?

  3. It looked like that message was signed -HB. Is this the first you've heard from Henry Bowles since Shonin?

  4. I wonder if ADA thinks the N'Zeer will contact through Klue?

  5. You and Klue take it easy, Richard. We'll deal with ADA when the time comes.

  6. Just outta curiosity sake, which faction is Klue S.  aligned with now? Still favouring the Resistance?

  7. What's up with the green background?

  8. or the blue ground accents  a hint?


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