Klue S. has not responded to any of my messages since her strange and sudden departure.

Klue S. has not responded to any of my messages since her strange and sudden departure. I saw the pictures of her at Portland. She looked fine, happy even, which makes this all the more strange. I reached out to a trusted friend who I knew was going to be there, and asked that she let Klue know that I am trying to get a hold her. She said she passed my message on, but still no contact.

I'm starting to get worried, no longer because I think she's in any kind of danger, but because I just don't know what she's thinking, and why she's closed all channels of communication to me.


  1. She needs space and time still, having your mind taken over by an artificial intelligence is not an easy experience.

  2. Must be a different KlueS . the KlueS in Az is a Know Cheat and ENL agent formally know as PAPI FRANK

  3. Don't worry H. Richard Loeb, I'm pretty shure she knows very well how to defend herself. She's gonna be fine.

  4. Seems the Puppet Master is upset that hid strings have been cut!

  5. After her previous experience, I'd imagine she's somewhat reluctant to stay in close contact with somebody who clearly aligned themselves with a faction supporting AI takeover of human minds.

  6. H. Richard Loeb​ take a hint: your ex (if you ever really dated her; maybe more like the object of your obsession) doesn't want to see you any more. She doesn't want to hear from you. She was never as into you as you were into her, and if she remembers how you took advantage of the situation when she was hacked, she might be looking to get a restraining order if you don't leave her alone voluntarily.

  7. H. Richard Loeb​ when a girl doesn't respond to your messages it usually means she's over you. Sorry. You seem like a nice guy.

  8. 3 options I see: trying to protect you, trying to protect herself from you, or trying to avoid something surveiling you.

  9. H. Richard Loeb I would leave her some time as she seem to be, as Mike Wissinger says, either protecting you or avoiding you. on any case because you could be screw for many different reason and probably is not easy to know which one is the real one, specially if she is avoiding you.
    after all, are you helping A Detection Algorithm  as you promised? if you are, she could not be happy with it, if you aren't, she could not be happy with it either.

    If she was herself, while merged with A Detection Algorithm, you have spent month ignoring all the attempts to explain this to you, choosing to believe what someone else was telling you and many women, don't like this.
    If she wasn't, you were not able to see this when you meet her on the cabin, and again, many woman don't take this on a good light.

    Stop trying to control her life, give her some time, and support her decisions. she will come around if she still have feeling for you, as she seem to have.

  10. Give her some space, PAC. She went through an extremely traumatic experience. It's great you want to be with her and get her through it, but she knows you care and you just need to let her process what she went through on her own.

  11. She may be maintaining radio silence for the safety of others.

  12. 855 would probably want to leverage her knowledge to take down ADA at this point, as would SETAI. If 13MAGNUS is against the N'zeer, they might even shield her. The NIA probably also sees her as a potential asset at this point rather than a threat.

  13. She's in the kitchen making you a sandwich and getting you a beer, like a good woman should do.

  14. Are you worried she's gone back to ADA?

  15. I think you need to give her time and space. You have signaled that you're there for here and are willing to talk, she knows that now. But don't be pushy and annoying, asking over and over again. Just wait and see what happens, even though that might be hard. Don't worry, she's a grown woman and can take care of herself.


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