I can’t tell you where I heard this, but there is good reason to believe that the mysterious envelope from Nigel...

I can’t tell you where I heard this, but there is good reason to believe that the mysterious envelope from Nigel Moyer is going to be passed to Susanna Moyer in Washington DC. As for what it might contain, the obvious answer is something related to Stein Lightman, but I also wonder if it might be connected to Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe... DC was where the conflict between Roland Jarvis and Oliver first came to a head. That ultimately led to the events of #13MAGNUS - the attack on Jarvis in Bangkok, his emergence as Shards and all that followed.

It is very unlikely that Hank Johnson is going to show up there. There are too many dangers.  He will use an intermediary.

And what’s going on with this GORUCK HQ exercise? Is that some kind of NIA or IQTech Research  training?


  1. Power in numbers won't matter in this case. An agent is only as strong as his inventory and a team is only as strong as their agents. We're prepared were ready. We took DC during Cassandra and we will do it again! #ResistThis

  2. A lot more is clear now, eh Yik Sheng Lee? 

    Imperfect XM signal ends civilization.

  3. Let's see what happens with the carrier this time, last time a carrier was used, there was some issues, I seem to remember.
    Maybe the content of the envelope will help us understand what is on play and what side if any, has Nigel and Susanna Moyer​ taken on this history.
    By the way H. Richard Loeb​, how is Klue S.​ progressing?

  4. You really need to do better research The First & Foremost .
    The statue is actually part of the Jürgen Weber statue at Kennedy Center, in Washigton


  5. Ana Prados​ presumably this time the courier won't be a body double. I believe that's what caused the confusion before.

  6. Excellent. Im curious about nigel moyers experiments

  7. All that can be said for sure is that there are 7 sealed envelopes held by 7 persons and the meeting location in within the United States. I know too much, I am just going to say Im not playing Ingress anymore,,,,,,

  8. And that this has been in motion since 2010.

  9. according to what Ive been told the plan and the 7 envelopes was hatched no earlier than 2010, but even earlier sounds good...

  10. Heck even before mankind. That's how old they are

  11. I confused 7 with 12 but I'm sure it is 7 envelopes. Invalid call seems like a domain issue I need to connect my computers. Beyond not masking please advise. A new page? A sub domain? It may be important. Stay off the phones!

  12. Some interesting foreshadowing to the end of Via Noir here... OLW obviously ignored the warnings. #13MAGNUSAWAKENS


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