Seeking intel from #Shōnin Anomalies Today

Seeking intel from #Shōnin Anomalies Today

I heard some fresh intel emerged at the #Shonin  Anomalies today... Does anything know anything?

I'm hearing some disturbing rumors... new faces.... something about Roland Jarvis...massive XM spikes... and some kind of 'event' at the 13MAGNUS nest... but I don't know anything for certain.

Did anyone hear or see anything?

Susanna Moyer any comment?


  1. Susanna seems to have a bit to share. I had a hard time hearing her via the video feed. The events at the nest were revealing though. The acolyte will provide a new face to the enlightened. Devra has vanished, why and where did she go?

  2. I believe MissionsByNIA confirmed that Calvin had been manipulating Devra into creating and then self administering the kill pill. I wonder if that means he won't be welcome back stateside?

  3. It appears that Azmati has sacrificed himself to prevent Jahan and the Anti-Magnus from attaining their goal.

  4. Too bad Ancient Societies used music in the video linked by Yik Sheng Lee which makes it unviewable in some contries due to rights issues... :(

  5. Xelonir, the video posted by L.Hutchings should work.

  6. Xelonir  we here at Essex like to make sure all agents have access to all the information. Here you go

  7. Yik Sheng Lee did that quite a while ago ;)

  8. A Detection Algorithm​ made several comments about it for the last few days. Thanks Operation Essex​ for sharing this important information.

  9. Basically all the information we have is not very useful, we need more!

  10. Lord Necron​ something else could be on the air, on any case, I suspect we will start to hear more about it sonish, as the next mission is on same place that one of the principal on the next shonin

  11. I'm sorry Quantumingress Effectingress​ but I don't agree, I like +Devra Bogdanovich​ on general, even if this vaccine stuff make me very wary of her, but she was extremely manipulated by antimagnus forces to do their bidings, and I'm not saying force or directly controlled but manipulated.
    She was manipulated first from ADA, leave Niantic once she was dosed con epiphany night, someone was hired to be her month on advance, so that is clear.
    I'm not sure if ADA directly has any influence on she moving to the CDC, but Calvin or could have move some influence to make sure that the project was approved.
    Then, they hire bobby to make her react with the portal virus, this was Calvin direct manipulation on her, that allowed the smair campaign to begin. Once this was done and with no more exits, it was a question of time that she inoculated herself with it. The whole interview was frame to scare and push her to the limit, the perfect scenario for her to inoculate herself.
    Don't forget that Calvin has a psicologic evaluation on all the Niantic members and ADA was able to predict on many cases how she was going to behave given a scenario.

  12. She has always been vulnerable to peqamjkm2outside6 influence


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